Once your film has conquered North America in all its arguably homoerotic glory, what’s next? Where can you bring this film where the violent nature, the man-love, and the fact that it was released in the U.S. a full three months ago will all be deeply appreciated?
Tokyo, baby.
Gerard Butler and his penis were on-hand at the Meiji Shrine to premiere the film in Japan. Enjoy.
OMG is he effin HOT!
What is he doing in that first pic? trying to aviod stepping on all the little Asian people?
col col
HEY HEY HEY, look who’s HOT… it’s my man Gerry!!!!! & um no, I don’t think he’s trying to avoid stepping on asian people, he’s showing his hilarious Gerry humor that me & the rest of the world love. Gerry’s humor is what makes Gerry Gerry, I mean his looks are also included, I mean have you ever seen a more beautiful face? Let me answer for you… NO!! His smile sparkles like the stars in a midnight sky, his voice is like a chorus of Angels singing in Heaven, that face could lighten up anyones bad day, and his talent will take him so far in the future that the world will be drooling when they hear his name. God made Gerry the same way he made everyone, but I think that in the end he gave Gerry that last extra bit of love and talent & to me, Gerry’s one of the most special people I known of and I’ve never seen anything quite like his looks, talent, success, and his great humor & I think Gerry deserves more & more respect each day. Treat Gerry not like a star, but like one of Gods special creations, like all of us… a humanbeing. So Gerry, your still the BEST & #1 in my book & you’ll never be anything less, you’ll only get better!!!!!!!
Well, it just doesn’t get any better than Gerry Butler, does it… NOPE. So for all you girls out there who don’t know who Gerry is, then I feel bad for you, but I can tell you how to find out who he is. Just look up the words GORGEOUS, PERFECT, BEAUTIFUL, SUCCESSFUL, HUMOROUS, HILARIOUS, & let’s not forget SEXY!!!!!!!!! Now I could seriously make a full dictionary filled with flattering words that discribe Gerry and have him in the definition, but I just chose the top 7 that best suite him as himself…, & I don’t have the room. Now if you don’t have a dictionary then use your imagination, Gerry’s HOT, picture him singing to you without his shirt on , & if you don’t have an imagination then go check out his web sites or watch his movies. Their all great, I should know, I own them all, literally. Make sure you go and see his new movies coming out soon, like “Nim’s Island”, he has 2 parts in it, so it’s twice as great!
damn! his eyes make me melt!
Oh my GOD,
OMG, OMG, OMG, I soooo know what you mean VIT. But it’s not just those beautiful eyes, it’s every damn feature on that gorgious body of his!!!!!!!!!!! There isn’t a thing about that man that’s negative, never was, never will be. What I would do to have him wrap his arms around me & rest eachothers heads on eachothers chests, well, he’s soooo damn tall, which I find sexy, so his head would most likely be on my sholder. But that’s fine too. WOW, I think my heart just skipped a couple beats.
gerard is f***ing gorgeous !!!!
omg!!! gerard is soooooooo sexy!!! does anyone kno if he is in a relationship? if not, i get him!! lol, i wish.
I love you my Gerry, you’re always hot and goofy at the same time, hot hot hot.
oh my god!!
he is so hot!!
when i saw him the first time i was so fascinated and rapt away!!!
he is so cute and…..wow….just a dream boy!!
Gerry Christmas to all and to all a Great Night!!!!
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