Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Victoria Beckham’s New Emporio Armani Ad


Just in case you weren’t sure exactly how many things were imperfect about your own body, Victoria Beckham is happy to get mostly naked all over your magazines and billboards so that you have plenty of opportunities to count every way your body is different from hers.

24 CommentsLeave a comment

  • looks like they photoshopped her to make her look like she has a body instead of a stick figure.

    • I was going to say the same thing. They also airbrushed out the bones sticking out of her chest. She is entirely too thin.

  • i feel bad for her. If Jabba doesn’t like her dancing he’s gonna feed her to that pit monster.

    • That was genuinely funny. I’m sorry there generally seems to be so much bad VB feeling over there though – what’s your problem with her? I admire/envy her incredible self-control (and buff husband)

  • look at the really apparent airbrushing on her belly though. her belly button seems really really high up in her torso.

  • Now she looks like all four members of the her new group: Skinny, Scary, Starving and Stepford.

  • They did a good job fixing her boobs up though! Usually they look like soccer balls trying to detach themselves from her chest. Here, they look almost real. Otherwise I think she looks awesome!

  • I dunno, I look at her and see a very airbrushed Victoria Beckham. It doesn’t make me think anything about my body at all. The reality of my body is totally divorced from the reality VB inhabits. I think mine is probably less wearying to live in.

  • 3 beautiful perfectly healthy baby boys were birthed from that body.

    damn. what can i say…

    the bitch still got it.

  • Photoshop is really an amazing thing :D I don’t see the big hype about Posh’s body, seriously. I mean, she had to get plastic surgery to make her feel good about her chest, which is just idiotic.