Hmmmmm. This sure is fishy. Hayden Panettiere grabbed lunch at Katsuya with her married co-star, 44-year-old Adrian Pasdar. Now this alone is not fishy, but then it gets weird: The entire restaurant was closed for the three hours they were there. No other customers were allowed inside. Plus, they left holding hands.
Adrian is married to Dixie Chicks frontwoman Natalie Maines, and the couple have two children. Now I’m not necessarily saying this means he’s dating Hayden, but, if he isn’t, this is a REALLY stupid situation for him to put himself in, considering that Hayden has a history of shacking up with her older co-stars. There are many, many ways to have private, quality time with your platonic friends. Leaving one of the most paparazzi-friendly restaurants in LA holding hands with a 19-year-old is not one of the methods I’d recommend. Either they’re hooking up or they’re two of the stupidest image-managers in Hollywood. Or maybe just both.
I don’t know if this is the same guy, but I remember a story a bit ago that had pics of Hayden embracing and kissing an older married co-star on set….
That was Jack Coleman, her on-screen dad on Heroes. Jack Coleman is also married.
..Publicity stunt.
its to try to get people to see the “movie”.
since it worked for that.. other slut.
She has gotten soooo skinny!
I wonder if his wife’s recent haircut had anything to do with this..
He was guiding her to her car.
I also recall her being all over the other older guy too. (Jack Coleman)
But does any of this come as a surprise considering what kind of home life she has had. Her father getting arrested for the beat down he put on her Mother here in the last year. Can you say “Daddy Issues”…
I tend to think Natalie Maines would put an epic beat down on ole’ Hayden for touching her husband.
I also had wonder about that haircut Natalie showed off… I had wonder if she had it done after having a weave removed.
There is no other option in haircuts if you decided to stop the whole weave thing. You have to go short. And start over growing your hair out.
where are these alleged “new haircut” pictures? and i’ve never been a fan of his.. not [only] based on this, but he struck me as a creep in “Shut Up and Sing.”
I dont think there is anything going on here. I mean he plays her father so Im sure he is protective of her. And when you walk out of a building and get bombarded with paparazzi I think its just an instinct thing…grab her hand walk her to her dirtiness here.
look at you workin the optimism.. i guess we’ll see
I totally agree with you Nicole. I think Adrian was just being protective of Hayden. Adrian is very much in love with his wife Natalie and he adores his two children. Adrian and Natalie take their marriage vows very seriously and would not betray one another. They are completely devoted as a family.
how do you know that, out of curiosity?
I am with the folks who say she has father issues. When I first saw those pictures of her and the guy who plays her other daddy on Heros a few years ago I was shocked but I have come to realize that she is just a big, old baby who wants to be taken care of and loved and her real daddy is not giving her that, so she has her fake daddies cuddle her.
Would I like to see something like that if I was his wife? No. But I really don’t think there is more to it.
I like what Nicole said that could be it. I hope it is the answer because it would seem like to me that hayden is a slut for older men. Remember Milo, didn’t work out did it in her mind the guy that plays the brother would be the next best thing right hahahahaha.
Hayden why do you put your self in situations for people to make fun of you?
NO!!! It’s her dad Nathan, actually its Sylar and Matt Parkman got into his head to make him think that he is Nathan. Duh!
I like her pants! I need a pair like that in black.
Now… Here’s my take.
From the look on her face she’s having a sad and needs time out and guidance. So he’s taking her for lunch and grown up talk. I wish someone would do that for me.
Superpowers or no, if he’s cheating, Natalie Maines will chop his balls off. That chick is not to be trifled with.
She has daddy issues. First Jack and then Adrian. Her dad is a jerk so I’m not surprised.
isnt she dating milo ventimiglia?, Im a little lost in here…, but I always thought that Hayden and Adrian look very good together, wether they are father and daughter or as a couple…, someone can explain me whats the deal with milo?, and what kind of person is her father…, tanks guys
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