Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Beyonce’s Look: Love It or Leave It?


This is what Beyonce went shopping in while in Paris on tour.

Note that she was wearing different shoes when she left than when she came in.

25 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Meh. I like the sandals she left in and I like her hair like that, but the skirt sticks out in a bad way.

      • I was just gonna say that too. Maybe she’s using Michael Jackson I want to be white cream?

      • I am just waiting for those other tell tale signs; young girls having sleepovers, her nose begins shrinking, she starts wearing surgical masks, and holds babies over hotel balcony railings….

      • right! Look at her legs, the flash must’ve been very bright. Very ugly outfit, no one could pull that off.

    • The two other black people in the picture look really pale as well. I’d guess they just don’t get out into the sun that often.

  • looks like beyonce dumpster dove for this outfit and accessories! uggggly. cover up those marshmallow thighs and knees, please. but even on heidi klum, this is uggggly.

  • dang, those shoes are ugly! both pairs. didn’t notice them underneath the ad, but then: eeew! the ones she leaves in look like a display of friendship bracelets. they do NOT stack up to a good base for an outfit.

  • Wow, I usually am not a fan of her fashion sense but i adore this. Exactly like what I wear on a day-to-day basis. Only about 2,300 dollars cheaper…

  • Amazingly, I love it as well. Usually I find her outfits to be too much, but this one is actually pretty cute.

  • hate the hair, hate the mini.
    the jacket and the shirt are ok
    she should have gone with a ponytail and dark blue jeans

  • Hellz no! WTF? Did she steal Eddie Murphy’s jacket from Delerious?? and seriously, while she can look fierce, that particular length of skirt, is doing nothing good for her legs/stubby gladiotor shoe combo. May I reiterate, hellz no!

  • You guys are ignorant. WHITE? Gain some maturity. She looks gorgeous. It’s different from what she usually do, & she’s flawless NO MATTER WHAT.