Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Nicole Richie BumpWatch 2009


She sure does make a pretty pregnant lady, doesn’t she?

Nicole Richie — who may or may not have been talking shit to Lindsay Lohan last weekend — took her Starbucks to an appointment today in Hollywood.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — everything I hear about Nicole Richie behind the scenes indicates that she’s not exactly the peaceful earth mother she’d like you to think she is. She’s still got it in her to be a crazy, raging, drunken bitch. It may not be this year, and it may not be next, but at some point you’re going to see a complete Nicole Richie breakdown, and probably an accompanying DUI, possibly with charges of assault involved. And then you can say you knew it was coming because you read it on Evil Beet. Just you watch.

18 CommentsLeave a comment

    • im 5 months pregnant rite now and i thought the same thing. coffee and baby dont go together, hopefully thats decaf.

      • unfortunely you are wrong. you are allotted a certain amount of caffeine (safely) each day. it is about the equvilant of a cup of coffee or 1 soda

  • You know, it might not serve the gossip-world, but sometimes people do actually get better. Like, no DUI-and-assault-anymore better.

  • I don’t think she’s pyscho, get a grip Evilbeet!
    Picking on pregnant ladies is not cute.

    why? u don’t have anything to say about Lindsay today

  • the big question is how does she manage to keep that skinny whilst pregnant
    that’s what i would love to know

  • um
    how on god’s green earth can she be comfortable in 3 1/2 inch heels?
    what is the point of wearing comfy hippie mom dress and Laboutin freaking 3 in heels?

  • I remember when the simple life was on. I would watch it, and Nicole was INSANE. I don’t think she’s changed at all, and she’s just acting calm before the storm.

  • Nicole Richie is a bigger waste of flesh than Paris Hilton. Remember, she was the nasty one on “A Simple Life”. So far, her biggest accomplishments in life were to go through rehab and have a baby successfully.

    And don’t get me started on the sunglasses that cover half her face.

  • Nicole still looks like Splinter from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to me, but oh well. Why is she drinking coffee? I Thought caffeine was a no no for pregnant ladies (I use that term lightly)