“Myself, I’m a pothead. It’s no secret. Everyone knows that. I go on the road and forget everything else. Sure, [the tax department] sent letters to my house saying, ‘We need this money.’ They started sending them in 2002. Here it is, 2009, and I never paid this s— because I don’t think like that! I could have easily just written them a check for whatever amount, but no — I waited until they knocked on this door and were like, ‘We got your truck and we outta here.’ Now I’m thinking we’ve gotta get our truck back, which means I have to get all my paperwork together. That means days of going through mail, ’cause I got mail like woah. I’ve found checks from 2005 that have never been opened yet. And we’re talking a significant amount of money! But I never opened [the tax department’s] letters … so this is how the tax man came to Meth’s house and took his truck. Not because I was broke! I got plenty of money!”
Method Man, explaining to the media why the IRS repossessed his Lincoln Navigator because he owed over $50K in back taxes, dating back to 2002.
This is totally the story of my life. Before autopay become ubiquitous, I was always having my power turned off or my cable go out, not because I couldn’t afford to pay it, but because it had completely slipped my mind. I check my mail about once per fiscal period, so they could have sent three final notices and I never would have received them. I was totally ghetto by choice.
Get a Financial manager.. or pay online you deadbeat!
Oh, Meth-y.
Such an eloquent young lad.
What does him being a pot head have to do with not being able to organize finances? How hard is it to pay an accountant to do your taxes for you? And I’m a pot head, but I can still make enough time to keep up with my daily responsibilities. What a lazy fuck, Method Mayyyyynnnn.
This guy is hilarious. What a great idea for a sitcom, a pothead who forgets to pay bills and has to put down the bong and figure out who he’s supposed to pay to get his shit back. Sure fire hit.
Couldn’t agree more! I’d watch that shit.
He is so hot lol
Heeeey Meth, where u been?
God, I am really organized but I just have a hard time remembering bills. That’s why I have a husband.