Today's Evil Beet Gossip

This Really Makes Me Feel for Sarah Michelle Gellar


You see, while SMG’s latest cinematic release was doomed to the depths of ‘straight-to-DVD’ hell, Fast and the Furious 4 got its very own red carpet premiere.

Granted, I’m pretty sure the Gellar flick was some random rip off of yet another Japanese horror movie, but even then I have a very hard time believing it wasn’t more worthy of the big screen than a film with the tagline “New Model. Original Parts.’ Luckily for Sarah she’s slated to return to TV soon with a much talked about HBO pilot in the works.

More pics of  Paul ‘I-like-’em-young-enough-to-still-smell-like-baby-powder’ Walker and the rest of the FF4 cast smiling for a paycheck below.

12 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I’m still young enough to smell like baby powder. And, objectively, I think Paul Walker’s hot. So, I would like to know when this film’s coming to London.

  • I want more SMG. Seriously, I really need for there to be a Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie! If I had a wish to make, that would be it.

      • I do know that, but it’s a complete bastardization of what Joss Whedon wrote. He eventually wrote a comic for what was supposed to be the screenplay, but I want a new movie. As in, a movie that came in after season 7. And I know there’s a season 8 in comic form (which I still love) but Joss said that he’d throw out all cannon if the cast all signed on to do a movie.

  • who is this black dude and why does he feel compelled to wear a sleeveless shirt and cow pattern shoes on the red carpet?

  • I’d still do Vin Diesel. And Paul Walker has beautiful eyes. Michelle Rodriguez looks like she gained a little weight and too much tan.