Holy shit!
Teri Hatcher looks like she ate at some point this year!!
She’s still quite slender, but I’m finally not afraid she’s going to snap in half. This is a much better look for her. She has curves and tone and definition. She looks like a woman and not a pre-pubescent boy. Whatever she’s doing, I hope she keeps at it.
At a benefit for the Lou Ruzo Center in Las Vegas.
I’ve read a MILLION (okay, 5 or 6) “blind items” that point to her loving some cocaine.
I wonder if it’s true.
For the first time ever, I don’t feel like I have to toss a handful of Centrums at her.
Has anyone seen the movie Coraline? She’s the voice of the mother/”other mother”. Anyway, at the end she gets all crazy looking, and I swear to god they made the animated creepy version of Teri Hatcher. Bones poking out through the skin, long gaunt face….I just had to laugh when I saw it!