Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Your Daily Lohan

Check out this interview E! did with Lindsay on the red carpet at an Oscar party on Sunday. Not only do her eyes look glazed over, but she keeps scratching at her scalp. Now, not that I’ve ever done drugs or anything, but, if I had, I might point out that one’s head gets extremely scratchy when one has ingested, um, certain drugs.

Oh, and she’s also starting a spray tan line.

And this was in my inbox today, from a source at a club Samantha DJ’d at very recently, although Lindsay was conspicuously absent:

Sam’s DJing fee is pretty substantial and it was booked with the “we can’t promise you anything but more than likely LL will be there” comment. When asked why she wasn’t there, a handler explained that Lindsay spends time with her in LA but no longer travels to shows as it causes too much drama / distraction while Sam is working. So, she’s been banned from the road … That being said, Sam was one of the nicest VIP people we’ve had. She looked miserable the entire time but was extremely polite with her servers, always saying please and thank you for her Coronas. She also spun well past when we expected.

Awww, Sam looks miserable WITH Lindsay AND without her!

But if Lindsay’s not traveling to all these events with her, Sam’s fee is going to take a serious hit.

37 CommentsLeave a comment

  • sam will be fine. she’s an heiress to a 300 million estate. plus i saw her spin at the hot clubs in nyc years ago.she’s been around for a long time as a DJ and was always doing good gigs. the idea that that girl might be needing lohan for cash is should get better sources beet!

  • I actually kinda felt bad for linds in the interview she sounded like lost and sad. I mean even if its the drugs talking it still made me feel bad.

  • is it me or is she getting uglier? i used to love love love her and now she just looks a mess… something’s happened to her face…

  • That’s Lohan’s normal behavior when she’s NOT on drugs, as it with many people with ADHD. She’s a fidgety, high energy person. Oh, and the club owner who responded to Michael Lohan’s blog made much more sense than this piece. He said that Ronson fills the clubs regardless, and the added security cost and drama Lohan brings (including a demographic that does not spend much money on alcohol after a hefty cover) is not what club owners want. Because that club owner didn’t feel it was appropriate to ask Ronson NOT to bring Lohan, they chose not to book her. Everyone is better off when Lohan doesn’t accompany Ronson to her gigs.

  • She is Itching and Twitching… Hmm definite sign of drug use .. Also the fact that she is all disoriented and cant look in one place.

  • Great, now my scalp’s itchy! And for some reason I actually liked her here..she reminded me of the innocent girl she used to be a long time ago, like in Parent Trap way back then.

  • I have done a decent amount of drugs (I know, sooo cool) but for the life of me, can never remember my scalp itching. what drug are we referring to here??

      • um, any opiate really; vicodin, oxycontin, heroin, whatever. i should know. cocaine is more of a tingly i want to rub my scalp rather than an actual itch. again, i should know…

      • Being nervous and not knowing what to do with your hands or wearing extensions will also do it. Not that anyone seems to care if there’s a logical reason for this. Any excuse to put Lindsay Lohan and “drugs” in the same sentence. Again, pretty disgusting.

      • I never got itchy off of pain killers. But now that I think of it, my boyfriend always did (especially the really strong ones) so hated them. Which was great for me, cuz he gave me all of his. Makes periods so much better, man.

        Coke never made me itch, but did make me all jittery and eye-wandery like she is here. Seriously, I just want to grab her and tell her to stop twitching so much.

        Oh! And I was thinking, meth makes some people itchy, right? Hence meth scabs?

  • so…i didn’t do enough drugs…what drugs makes you scalp itch? I did speed,but that made my scalp tingly..

  • Sam is the heiress to a 300 million dollar estate-so its always weird when people insinuate that she would be with lohan and all the drama that surrounds her just because she wants to make a buck. Saw her dj lots of times years ago in nyc, girl has always been getting great gigs and is very well connected in the music buisness so with or without lohan she won’t be hurting for jobs or cash.
    And beet; the drug accusations are a little much. Last week it was anorexia, week before that break up, then drinking. I mean I know its lohan but does the girl have to be every bloggers favorite dartboard? Serious question beet; does she generate that many hits or do bloggers just like to humiliate and ridicule her?
    I may be soft, but its my feeling that sometimes people should get to work out their demons in peace without the embellishments.

    • She generates that many hits. Day in and day out, Lindsay Lohan drives traffic better than anyone on the planet.

      • Newsflash: Trashing young female starlets by writing or insinuating utter bullshit about them on a daily basis just because they “drive traffic” is disgusting. How about just telling the truth? She is being hugely brave by being out with her girlfriend (nobody else in her position has ever done it), she’s trying to get her career back on track and mysogynistic gay male bloggers and tabloid hacks insist on making up shit about her day in and day out… almost as if they want to drive her back to drugs.

      • But does that give you an excuse to write sensationalist, baseless crap about a person who is clearly struggling to overcome some really poor parenting, and numerous youthful mistakes. Beating up on someone who is down is really not cool, Beet. I respect you and your site much more than most, and it saddens me to see you partake in this kind of bullying behavior.

      • Uh, the fact that she generates traffic doesn’t change the fact that she is definitely high in this video.

      • You are not very different of Perez. I don’t know why people have to do drug tests. Maybe they can hire you and not spend the money. One look and you can say – yes she is on drugs.

    • Oh for fuck sakes SHUT UP and don’t read Beet’s blog if you don’t like it. Lohan is an uneducated retard who can’t get an acting job so she developed a line of spray on tanners… Jesus H. Christ! She generates this many hits because she’s a trainwreck and has no one to blame but HERSELF. I can’t wait until Ronson wakes up… Samantha is WAY TOO GOOD for this piece of Long Island trailer park trash.

  • her hair … how could she?? and she definitely looks high. i’d guess marijuana, but she couldn’t even give a decent interview so it could be something stronger. this is not a girl who is uncomfortable in front of the cameras. something is off.

    sam is probably miserable looking because people won’t leave her the fuck alone. she is being followed and/or chased literally everywhere she goes. couple that with the fact that she’s dating an addict, and that makes for a very miserable girl.

  • Hmmm. Everyone’s an expert it seems. Well, here’s my $.02. Scientifically speaking, one of the main signs someone is either lying and/or nervous, your body produces a chemical that will make you itchy. If that’s the case, that would explain the fidgety hands and scratching.

    Opiates are also really known to make your face itch, but usually the facial area… not hair or hairline. Her eyes were pretty glazed over. Also, it looks friggin bright in that area, yet her pupils were pretty big for the light. Her interview seemed genuine though… then again, she is an actress. I dunno. Maybe she was just tipsy and tired??? I’ll give the broad the benefit of the doubt on this one.

    • I was thinking to when I have had to take pain killers post-surgery and such, and it always made my nose itch terribly. Face too.

  • I don’t have a problem with the fact that beet needs to make a living and lohan gives you hits. But what i find problematic is once this particular subjective photo interpretation gets repeated enough on the internet it becomes the truth.

    She is a kid with a headfuck of a life already behind her. Apart from amy winehouse and britney spears i can’t think of anyone its apparently perfectly ok to trash and bully on a daily bases in tabloids and blogs.
    If she is on drugs again its a tradgedy.
    If she isn’t than its a perfect example of how bloggers can help destroy a persons reputation and livelihood without being accountable to the truth.
    I agree with anon, this is perez territory and very unbeetlike.

    • You don’t need to do drugs Jennifer because you are permanently stoned.

      Did you read the comments above before posting? No, of course not.

  • EVIL BEET CAN DO AS SHE PLEASES, betchezzzzz. this is her publication, lohan has proven herself time & time again to be quite the entertaining fuck up and…this just is what it is. celebrities don’t wanna be written about like so? well then don’t be HIIIIIIIIIGH in public, idiots. funny they got the “ssshhh” tattoo when they themselves are absolutely terrible at keeping secrets. it IS possible to have a drug habit in hollywood & keep it on the “down low” ya know…they’re just too stupid. aaawww poor braincell-less little tramps….

  • I feel bad for Lilo here. She was gorgeous back in Mean Girls and seemed to have everything going for her. She obviously has deep rooted problems no doubt caused by her Parents. Agreed that Samantha does look miserable wether she is with Lindsay or without her.