Today's Evil Beet Gossip

If I Have to Do This Shit, You Guys Do, Too


Our volleyball league was canceled today, so my teammates and I decided to hit up trivia night at a local pub. The questions were hard. We did not do well.

Perhaps the most difficult was Round 3, where they handed us two pieces of paper with pictures on it and made us figure out who all the people were. Looks can be deceiving! We thought we were right about who a lot of these people are, but we were wrong. In fairness, we also had 5 people crowded around these pieces of paper with crappy bar lighting. We were all holding up our cell phones to try to get more light, but I realize now that I should have just taken these photos right away and looked at it on my camera! This shit is WAY clearer than what I was looking at in the bar.

My teammate and I were arguing over the photo above — I swore it was Kirsten Dunst, he swore it was Mary-Kate Olsen. It turned out to be neither.

I’ve uploaded multiple photos of both pages and I’m gonna let you guys have a go at it.

Leave your guesses in the comments, along with the photo number.

Also, guys, remember that when you initially click on a photo, it’s going to be sized to fit in the website. If you then click on it again, you should get the full-size version. I uploaded really big photos so you guys could see. Trust me, these photos are WAY BETTER than what we had in the bar.

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