i think lohan’s reign of terror may be ending too…
All the stars were sooooooooooooo bad, the script so lame and dumb it must have been a great effort, with much suffering to finish without major battles for everyone. Li-lo’s part is a horrid walk thru her rebellious-immoral daily life! Rotten Tomatoes reviews this sucky-slutty movie {hahaha} in detail.
The previews provided enough information for me not to want to see it. Linds playing herself. We’ve seen it all for free no need to pay $10.50.
i think lohan’s reign of terror may be ending too…
All the stars were sooooooooooooo bad, the script so lame and dumb it must have been a great effort, with much suffering to finish without major battles for everyone. Li-lo’s part is a horrid walk thru her rebellious-immoral daily life! Rotten Tomatoes reviews this sucky-slutty movie {hahaha} in detail.
The previews provided enough information for me not to want to see it. Linds playing herself. We’ve seen it all for free no need to pay $10.50.