Today's Evil Beet Gossip

So Are We Allowed to Be Funny About This Now?


From rapper Xzibit’s Twitter.



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  • It’s never the time to make jokes about this kinda stuff.

    But we’ll laugh anyway. So make with the jokes, honey, I’M all ears!

    • OMFG HE IS HILARIOUS!!!!!! cleary he doesnt care about Rihannas well being, which makes it even more hilarious! then again neither does the rest of the world.

      • “and neither does the rest of the world,”
        thank you!!!!!
        fuck rihanna anyway, shes gayyyyyy.

  • given how outraged you have been about this incident (and rightfully so) in prior posts, i don’t think you can ever joke about it.

      • it was her reference to having jokes about it that made me think she wasn’t being sarcastic. this is why i’ve long argued for a specific color on the interwebz that denotes sarcasm.

  • Um, no, its not okay. And that crap on his Twitter isn’t funny. In fact, it serves to piss me off even more with the added “LOL” at the end.

    You cant be serious about joking about this. It seems that a lot of the men and fellow rap and r+b artists around Chris Brown think that this is not a big deal… Are people already over the fact that he hit his girlfriend? A woman that had no chance to physically stand up to him and defend herself?

    Besides if the reports are true, he did way more than just smack her, and the fact that people are playing it off like “Oh, Chris Brown is a really good guy, he couldn’t possibly have meant it…” and/or “Oh she was asking for it because she dresses like a slut onstage…” It really makes me sick, and it makes me even more upset that so many of his friends and collaborators are putting it off like its no big deal.

    It’s NEVER okay to hit a woman, and it certainly is NEVER alright to joke about someone being abused just because they’re in the public eye. If you start joking about this Beet, I seriously wont visit your page anymore, and I’ll move to Perez’s page if need be…Think about that! Because I’m sure I wouldn’t be the only person outraged if you started joking around about domestic violence.

    I so hope you’re being sarcastic, because I love this site.

    • You should just go google the monkey tribunal daily because that bitch over there is one fierce tell it like it is slut.

      they banned my ip addy and sent an email to my mom that i was on the computer and i got grounded because I was harassing people for fun there. I was just joking though but they didnt get it.

      it was so cool they even had to delete all the comments and start over cause they thought i was a trojan ha ha ha

  • that is absolutely revolting. gag.

    maybe i’m just a bit hypersensitive to sarcasm but it seems FAIRLY obvious here.

  • lmao.. Xzibit has always had good punchlines (I crack myself up). Go for it Beet, I’m itching to hear your input

  • Sometimes it makes it easier to deal with horrible things if you joke about them. I think it’s very human – you don’t know whether to laugh or to cry and often, it’s easier to avoid the latter.
    What happened is no joking matter, but it’s a way to deal with it.
    I myself have a spinal disease which might very well result in me looking a lot like the Hunch Back of Notradame when I’m 30, which is, in reality, not very funny. But it helps to joke around with my mates.
    I hope that most people have the intelligence to realize that even though someone makes a joke about a serious issue, the serious issue is no joke.

  • I doubt very many people are going to deny this is a very serious issue and should not be downplayed. I have a huge amount of sympathy for Rihanna in this situation, and though I never really cared much about Brown before, I now think he is scum and would like to see him go to jail or some other harsh yet appropriate punishment.

    Having said that, I don’t know that much of anything is off limits in terms of humour these days. You watch Family Guy and they are equal opportunity offenders, nothing seems off limits. I think it will depend on which jokes are being told and how they are told. If it is a joke at Brown’s expense and one that is sympathetic to Rihanna, by all means, joke away. I agree that joking about something serious can alleviate tension and make it easier to discuss difficult subjects. But you certainly don’t want to offend the victim in this case. She’s completely sympathetic as far as I’m concerned.

  • So… I’ve been vocal about my outrage in this situation since it began… but I laughed. I’m sorry but you have to have a sense of humor about things or you’re going to drown in the heavy stuff. I don’t think that jokes about anything make it less serious. I think it breaks the ice about a lot of things.

    Although nothing is off limits as far as my sense of humor goes so that could just be one of my issues.

  • Hey, its not cool to joke about the victim but its fine to make fun of the perpetrator. Especially how wide his butthole might get stretched in jail.

    Kickin’ a gum pack! That was funny shit.

  • My friend said Rihanna called SOS please somebody help me, she was hiding from Chris Brown under her umberella ella ella eh eh