This is Miss Kentucky dancin’ up a storm in the 1993 Miss America pageant and it is GENIUS.
No where will you find skills of this level, and if this doesn’t make your Friday a little brighter you are doomed I tell ya, doomed.
This is Miss Kentucky dancin’ up a storm in the 1993 Miss America pageant and it is GENIUS.
No where will you find skills of this level, and if this doesn’t make your Friday a little brighter you are doomed I tell ya, doomed.
okay so watching this with no computer sound at work….but the radio happens to be playing “free your mind” by en vogue and somehow this dancing works with that song…in a very surreal way.
The bitch stole my moves.
she’s such a frickin’ wannabe!!
Oh my goodness! I don’t think I’ve ever been so embaressed for someone else.