Most days I’m all like, “Yeah, beyotch. I’m 26 years old and I make a living as a writer” and I think that is pretty badass of me.
Then I go and read that the dude who wrote Obama’s inauguration speech is 27 years old. He’s supposedly the youngest White House speechwriter on record (I don’t think this is true — Ben Stein was younger when he worked for Nixon, right?), and he’s just written arguably the most important Presidential speech of our generation. Oh, and his name’s Jon Favreau (but not the one from Swingers).
I feel so un-accomplished.
At the very least, my parents could have named me Vince Vaughn.
Yeah, he’s that guy that was groping the cardboard cut-out of Hillary.
shit u beat me to that.
he’s quite cute to boot
btw…you are pretty smart for making money doing a celebrity blog but a great writer? not quite sweetheart…and please stop posting your pictures…k?
whoa jeeeebus. Someone needs to pop some midol. bitch.
She didn’t say ‘great writer’, she said ‘successful writer’. Which is more than most can say.
Ditto on that. BTW ‘heidiho’ if you are going to criticize somebody else’s writing perhaps you should look at your own, or at the very least your punctuation skills.
what are you doing with your life? hmm?
Beet’s a great writer! Have you read her blog? She’s hilarious!!
This IS her blog right?
holy fuck…where did THAT venom come from?
There are all kinds of writers, doesn’t make you any less successful! I visit this site everyday, and am entertained! You make a difference! A+
Just kidding! I love your stuff! gotcha didn’t I!
You are correct about Ben Stein, Sasha. He was born in Nov ’44, and Nixon took the oath in Jan ’69. If he was writing for him from day one, he would’ve been 24.
I was blown away when I found out about this kid. It is far more impressive to me than athletes who end up way successful straight out of college. He has a much more significant role in the world, IMO.
He’s the youngest speech writer to have written the inaugural speech – that’s the difference.
I think that was probably one of the worst inaugural speeches I have ever heard….and the gloomiest
Have you looked around lately? We are in times of doom and gloom.
He’s already given tons of “Power to the people” -style speeches. In fact, it’s a huge part of how he first got recognition. Every one of his campaign speeches was like it, too.
However, now that he’s in it’s down to business. There’s no more campaigning necessary. He was being realistic, and trying to avoid making impossible promises. It was brilliantly written, IMO.
To some extent, I CONCUR. I don’t think it could be called one of the worst, but compared to how high he has set the bar for expectations in public speaking (super high. that man usually hits em’ outta the park) I found it rather anti climatic and, in contrast to past fabulous speeaches (YES WE CAN!) kind of uninspiring and fairly boring. IMO, of course. He gave phenomenal speeches on the campaign trail and the night he won Iowa/The Democatric nomination. Frankly, I expected more/better. As to the level of doom, I FEEL DOOM-Y, so I don’t think he could’ve gone overboard on that feling!
Oooohhh… I can’t help but feel disappointed, ’cause I was swearing up and down that Obama wrote his own speech himself. Damn.
Obama did write most of it, Stein helped
You do mean Favreau, right? ;) Ben Stein is hardly likely to help Obama write a speech.
Chin up Vinnie. Take comfort in the fact that Yum likes you.
He’s the one who had the “Hillary Clinton Groping” picture up on his Facebook.
I want to grope that speech writer.
Fondle his trouser goodies.
I wish that people would recognize Obama’s speech writer more often. Obama gets praised for his speeches, and while he does give them quite well, Favreau wrote them.
Also, you should be proud, Beet, cause your writing is funny, and that is hard to do for most writers!
The speech was very underwhelming; trying to figure why Obama, the Pop Prince of Presidents, would allow it… Listened to his speech in South Carolina last night, the one that “broke him” that was an awesome speech; crushed Hillary with that one… As for presidential speeches, they had Reagan’s inauguration speech on the radio last night; that would make anyone get up and shout ” I’m an American, bitches!”
Again, he’s already done the rallying. He’s got the job. His job now is to fix a broken country. It’s time to be realistic, because we already know he’s optimistic.
REGAN WAS THE HOLY GRAIL OF SPEECH GIVERS. They didn’t call him “The Great Communcator” for nuthin’. And, by and large, HE AUTHORED most of his speaches, then sent them round for peer reviews, before giving them. The Gipper was the best!! (take down that wall mr. gorbechev! Now, there you go again….and on, and on)
Flippancy aside, Beet, being 26 and making a (no doubt very comfortable) living as a writer is impressive no matter how you look at it, not only for the fact that it requires a great deal of talent and guts but also because it’s one of the most competitive industries in the world nowadays. Lol yeah stating the obvious as always lol… *goes back to boring dead end cubicle in boring dead end office job with boring dead end salary*
A 16 year old could write what you write. Also, You look 36, not 26. You really shouldn’t be offended. Since you do the same thing for a living.
Wow bitch much??
jesus….what are all these bitches with computers doing on the loose today?
who let the cunts out?
I am a middle-aged albino fruit picker with low self-esteem.
You must not take note of your own gossip site. Why would you act shocked about this guy when you posted a story about him not too long ago?
Hey Beet!
Ignore the haters! I love your site! But would like to suggest that you post more pictures of Jon Favreau cause he is super HOT!
Beet, i make half of my living writing (print journalist) and to do what you do and be sucessful at our age is very hard.
Props, big ones.
I can’t support myself just writing, well, at least with any dignity or flights.
I think Beet is mega sucessfull with what she does. Especially in this particular area of blogging (celebrities and gossip). And she isn’t anywhere near as dimwitted and Perez Hilton and TMZ. She is articulate and incredibly whitty. I’d do her job in a heartbeat!