Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Someone Spilled a Bunch of Coffee Grounds on Washington DC!!!


Isn’t that what it looks like?

But this is actually a satellite image of Washington DC a little past 11 am today. There were supposedly TWO MILLION PEOPLE on the mall.

All those clumps of people in between the Washington Monument and the Capitol are clustered around Jumbotron screens. The image was taken from 423 miles in space.


This is SUCH a different mood from when Dubya was inaugurated. What a nice change!


10 CommentsLeave a comment

  • i read that “two million people” were expected to show up at obama’s inauguration from an article yesterday somewhere. and as i was telling my friend this morning, that around “two million people” showed up, i caught my words as they came out. i didn’t even think about what this number meant until they came out of my mouth. TWO MILLION PEOPLE?!?!??! THAT’S CRAZINESS!

  • i was directly infront of the pencil. getting home was the worst experience of my life. Picture this: hundreds of thousands of people all going out of the same exit, flooding ONE STREET, all waddleing like penguins. Needless to say my legs and knees are in liquid form right now.

  • my girlfriend just saw your title and picture and thought you were saying something racist (coffee grounds, lots of black people)….just thought that was funny

  • I was there! It was one of the most amazing and moving days of my life! Looking at the satellite pictures and the number of people just goes to show the influence our President Obama has, and will hopefully continue to have well into his presidency.

  • I live in DC, and it was total insanity. The bridges were closed, and certain parts of DC like NW were deserted, and Georgetown was packed. I went at about 9 o’ clock and there were already tons of people. But it was a lot of fun!