Today's Evil Beet Gossip

I Thought This Happened Months Ago


Bridget Marquardt, the last of the Girls Next Door disbanded bunnies, has left the manse.  I have to admit that the extent of my GND experience revolves around being drunk and watching a marathon of it because I was too out of it to find the remote.  I couldn’t figure out why Hugh Hefner had the Barker Beauties at his house.  Of what I do remember, I’m pretty sure Bridget was the kinda mellow, boring one…right?

Either way, she has moved out of the Playboy Mansion.  I thought that happened months ago when the other two bimbettes left.  Nope, she has just packed up her stuff and now she’s , and this is a quote from US Magazine, “a gypsie”.  Not a gypsy; A gypsie.  Looks like this editor got a new job with US.

Other than that, she’s looking forward to being single for the first time.  When she gets her own hutch, she plans on installing a trapeze and a stripper pole.  Nothing sexual she claims; it will just be for working out.

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