Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney’s New Album Now Streaming (Legally!) on imeem

You can listen to the whole thing here for free and without breaking any laws.

It’s all the same tracks from the leak earlier, except “Blur” and “My Baby” were not on the leak.

Go check it out and tell me what you think!

Update: You know, I just realized, one of my favorite tracks from the leak was called “Phonography,” and it doesn’t appear to be on the final album. Booooo for that!

Second update: Dude, “Amnesia” didn’t make it either. Rough cut of the album was better than the final cut. Total bullshit.

9 CommentsLeave a comment

  • This album has actually grown a lot on me. I really like If U Seek Amy, Blur and Circus. Mmm Papi is a pretty fun song.

  • Phonography is included on the Deluxe edition of the album, Beet. And Amnesia was never set for release on the US edition. It’s a bonus track on the UK/Japanese editions.

    Ok, I done with my geekin’.

  • Ummm, why is Radar on this album as well as Blackout? I love the song (as does my 4 1/2 y.o. daughter…yeah, I’m raising her right!), but I don’t get why it would be on this album, too.


  • Ugh,

    I wasn’t really sure why they chose Radar as a bonus track on Circus. So I looked it up, and this is what I found:

    “According to, “Radar” (2008 version) is a new mix of the song. Apparently, Bloodshy and Avant contracted “Radar” as a single for Blackout, and since it was not officially released in the US, the farthest extent they (Jive and Bloodyshy and Avant) could agree with was to include it as a bonus track for Circus.”

    It’s a pretty good move. I mean, Circus is going to be HUGE.

    But, I’m just gonna say that we got fucking jipped in the bonus track department. Amnesia is an AMAZING song.