Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Today In Genius

“Like I’ve always said: Heidi’s hair and makeup people are some of my favorite homosexuals on the planet, and if they want to marry each other, I’m not about to be like, ‘Don’t.'”

The sage and ever-eloquent Spencer Pratt — a staunch Republican — discusses Prop 8 during an interview today.

As for Heidi’s take on it?

“I’m very for equal rights,” she said.

See? This is where Spencer and Heidi come in handy. When you need someone to really reach across the aisle and connect with the morons. Spencer and Heidi speak moron fluently, and, if that can help a cause I care about, I’m all for it.

27 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Also, Spencer looks like the type of guy who, if he were to gain weight, would show it in his face and NOT be pretty.

  • Why does everyone rag on Heidi? She is very pretty, has a great body, and a very successful clothing line.
    I hate to burst everyone’s bubble, but the ‘Hills’ show is NOT a reality show. It is as scripted and choreographic like a Roger’s and Hammerstein’s musical. Therefore, Heidi is a great actress because she has fooled all of you.
    Spencer is gay and it just waiting for Prop 8 to past and then SpenHeidi will be no more.

  • For the love of everything holy, what drugs are you on, Tia? Because I think you should share with the rest of us. I could use a nice hallucinogenic evening.

  • ….OMG…I am so gonna use, “Speak Moron Fluently” at my family of republicans Thanksgiving dinner….somehow I will fit it into one of the many lame conversations I will have to endure.

  • I pretty much read every article that Beet posts but always skip the ones on these two idiots. Once I see their photo I just skip and jump to the next post. I have to say I didn’t read anything that was posted for this article but just had to add my two cents. By the way, I think Tia must be drunk or high.

  • well….. at least they support gay marriage… I thought they wouldn’t, since they were really into Palin… holy sh*T why am I discussing their political views?!?~??!


    speidi won again. i am ashamed.

  • Something tells me the remark isn’t genuine, but celebrity-accepted. Heidi gives me a religious right vibe.

  • @ one of the Anonymous’, Spencer is not “pretty” when skinny, fat, or anything in between. He is super creepy, especially when he has his facial hair grown out. Yuck

  • why oh why can’t she find someone who’s at least as good-looking as she is? he has neither looks nor pesonality, and she was famous before him, so..?!

  • she looks good, she has a single, a clothing line, guest appreances and a reality tv show slot [ if she wasn’t on it, half of you lot wouldn’t watch the hills]

    now, her song may not be good, but she still has an album.
    Her clothing line may be a bit cheap, but it is still out there and making her money.

    Stop hating on the girl, she’s clearly vunerable and has had numerous surgical procedures in order to fit in.

    Cut the lady some slack.

  • Spob….I refuse to cut anybody “slack” because they’re clearly clueless as to the fact that they have no talent with acting or singing, and has had tittie implants and a nose job to “fit in” with the rest of the Hollyweird skanks.