Here’s a rare shot of Sheryl Crow with her son, little Wyatt Crow.
OMG this kid is ADORABLE.
I need a baby NOW. There is only so long I can dress up Leo in varying outfits — he has a football jersey now that says “Quarterbark,” ha ha, GET IT??? So, put the word out, I am on the hunt for a baby. Preferably one who speaks perfect French. And also I am looking for at least two or three nannies for whenever the baby is doing something that is not cute.
I agree with you whole-heartedly. This little guy is adorable and, after having raised two kids to teenagerdom, the nannies are a must. If only I’d had them during the barfing on the carpet days and cranky days and non-cute days. I’d probably be taking a lower dose of meds for the anxiety and depression.
too funny. 3 nannies. i remember dressing and having play dates for my furry pets; now they have ”sibilings” and i have baby humans…with other baby human play dates.
I’m sorry, but that little french girl telling her story about the animals was MUCH CUTER!
Is it just me, or is the nanny (or whoever the person is walking with Sheryl) huge???? Of course, Sheryl could just be very, very, small….
You know what – i woke up this morning with that fact still on my mind….. Yes the nanny looks fatty mcfatterson but it doesnt help that crow is literally a living skeletor….