Today's Evil Beet Gossip



Must Paris Hilton plaster her name over everything?

Is nothing sacred?

Here’s stupid Paris Hilton wearing a shirt with the blessed image of a chihuahua, with her name right beneath it.

Oh, Paris. My chihuahua wants nothing to do with you. His blessed little heart loves nearly everything and everyone, but he barks angrily at small children, people who are fishing, public bathrooms and you.

Anyway, the photo agency says this is a pic of Paris leaving her hotel in Hollywood. I have no idea why Paris would be staying at a hotel in Hollywood. Then again, this is the same agency who, earlier in the week, told us photos of Audrina Patridge from July were from yesterday and that Cruz Beckham was actually Romeo. Really, guys, the celebs have their people call in tips, you show up, you take the photo, you upload the photo, you label it correctly and then we pay you gazillions of dollars. How do you fuck that up so badly?

17 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I love how she’s always carrying around some kind of magazine.
    Trying to fool us she reads The Economist or The Bible didnt work, so now she just wants to fool us she can read.

  • i wonder where she got that black bag from . . . those haven’t been on sale in years and it still has the tags

  • You forgot that Leo also barks angrily @ chickens…

    And you talk about the photo agencies labeling things incorrectly and giving you the wrong names and info and its a part of their job to get it right…but as a gossip blogger shouldnt it be your job to get names and things right as well when its a part of your job to relay this info to us? You do that sometimes ya know, even when you arent just copying the name info you get from the agencies. I guess we all make mistakes.

  • you’re all so jealous! and i can see why, her life is so easy and still she fowls it all up and is disliked by the majority. what a tangled web she is in. Poor old parisan

  • Why do you buy photos of someone at all, when it is just to put the person down and make fun of her.

    And then bitch that the photo wasnt labelled correctly afterwards. Its harassment. To th person. You just, need your fill, to dissect someone with expertise , and leave the “public” astonished of all the patetic! weapons you have made out of photos and information to out someone like paris down. i dont follow your logic, Why so obsessed with her?

    iF YOU REALLY HAVE HER on your mind all the time, since you collect information and photos about her, you should give her credit for taking over your head, not dissing her for being self-centered… YoU center around HER more than she centers aound herself, probably. Well, you obviously know her mUCH better than I do, I just watched BBF and simple life in the old days, but you, dear blogger, are distrbed to treat her like messiah or sumething. or, jesus, since you really need to crucify her all the time. syndromic, probably.

    youre just causing stigma to someone who never did anything to you and doesnt even care. What a wast eof energy. poor paris.
    Not poor you, you just seem mean and uninteresting and busy discussing other peoples flaws, which is like… disgsusting character flaw/personality trait , to me and other … civilized people

    and so waht if she tries to read the economist. Do you think it is so hard? It’s not that proBABLY says more about you than about her, that if she has a “difficult” magazine open, se is posing? Seems like YOU never got through one single issue of it, to me, or else you wouldnt think it is hard. She doesnt need to, cause her dad has the finances to buy the magazine and shut it down if he wanted to, plus she is proabably bored with economy being one of the richest people etc.

    It IS a boring magazine.

    And she has more money than you will ever have, so she doesnt need to read it.

    You are just to stupid to read it. That is different.

    Cause yeah, why would you assume that she “pretends” to read it if you didnt think it was 100% difficult and impossible to understand yourself. ?

    It is pobalby pretty hard to concentrate too, with 100 papparazzies taking pictures for 10.000 superficial blogger snotclogs around the web…

  • I couldn’t agree more Mathilde … losers here needs money and they are just doing their f***ed up job… criticizing famous people.. i myself don’t like Paris but i admire her adoration for dogs specially chihuahuas … and i’m happy that shes helping a lot of chihuahua.. like my idol Mickey Rourke.. tough guy but a chihuahua lover..