“Last night, there was a whole rally that I saw for Prop. 8. A lot of people came out with their signs, and I think [Prop. 8] is discrimination and I don’t understand how people can be so closed-minded and so judgmental. We chose an African-American president, and it means so much … [it’s] a time in history of great change and open-mindedness. Why is this any different? It just doesn’t make sense to me. Why you would put so much money behind something [aimed at] stopping from people loving each other and bonding together? I just don’t understand it. It’s hard for me to grasp. But I would’ve been out there with my rally sign as well … Mormons aren’t gonna buy my album but, you know, what are you gonna do?”
Christina Aguilera, discussing the second straight night of protests about California passing Prop 8. The “Yes on Prop 8” campaign was largely financed by the Mormon Church.
The Mormon church think rape and incest is a given. Why are they worried about adult sex?
Wow! That’s a big leap going from electing the best candidate to rescue this country to inviting government in to private lives of any one.
One has nothing to do with the other. President-elect Obama worked hard for this victory. Prop 8 can’t erase those images that same sex coupled exhibited in those gay pride parades from decade past and present.
If the voting population wanted to see a change for this country, perhaps the gay community should work on their image. There are/were a lot of same sex relationships out there are, with families, which surpass any of the relationships found in the Mormon community. Just posting that Mormons wanted Prop 8 to pass would have caused it to fail.
If I saw this dumb bitch at a “Say NO to Prop 8” rally… I’d scratch out the Prop 8 part and write “crack”.
Until the gay community and its supporters learn to unilaterally and consistently advance their cause without slamming, dissing, and otherwise shitting on their opponents, they will remain exactly where they are now: Nowhere.
And anyway, who gives a frig what this dumb ding dong thinks in her tiny little brain. She should stick to her one strong point, which is copying Lady Gaga, I mean, singing.
At the risk of getting tomatoes thrown at me…
Mormons and any other religion, race and sexuality have a right to campaign for what they believe in, no matter how unpopular it is. In this case, it happened to be just popular enough to win the popular vote.
Mormons make up a very small portion of California — this wasn’t just funded by Mormons.
christina aguilera sounds more rational in this post than many i’ve read. mormans are strange alien like creatures, that’s for sure. too bad about prop 8.
@ polite Tia: I whole haeartedly agree!!!
I as in NYC once, didn’t know it was Pride Week…can I tell you, I am as liberal as I can be, but it wasn’t like a Macy’s parade…there were several bare behinds, and several unsavory looking folk who seemed intent on showing their bits all around…to everyone…including my three children. I feel sorry for same sex couples who are truly great Americans just plucking along, like us all, but first impressions are lasting ones.
P.S. What the hell happened to Xtina, is she having post partem?? She looks like…like….I can’t look again.
the president of the united states and something like prop 8 are in no way related..unless the gay community is going to come together and solve the economy crisis and help us with the war in iraq, I think everyone needs to stop going crazy about how it didnt pass and worry more about where our future is going.
censorthis you need to educate yourself before you make comments like that. i was raised MORMON- not morman- and although i no longer practice the religion my parents do and are very normal sane beings. the mormon church is much like any other christian church. the main difference being that they put a HUGE emphasis on family. they devote one night a week to being with their family and doing an activity together. they also believe that you should treat your body as a temple which is why they do not drink or smoke or drink caffeine- because they are addictive substances. they are great people who also devote much of their time to doing service work for others. many members of the congregation i was a member of know that i am not christian and love and accept me for it with no judgment. i don’t like their stance on gays either but that’s no reason to make outrageous comments. also they don’t condemn abortion, they just encourage you to give the baby up for adoption but know that it is your choice and will not judge you if you make the decision to abort.
so that’s my rant on that
natalie- from what i read it wasn’t california mormons, it was the whole church. the article i read actually referred to it as an out of state special interest group. to the tune of $22 million.
which just seems weird, especially since the “traditional” marriage they favor consists of man + woman, woman, woman, and woman.
@Natalie – That’s true, but the Mormons have been forcing their agenda for years now. 20 million dollars to prop 8, demanding their cult members work the ground game. The Mormon church deserves to lose its tax exemption for its part in all of this.
Prop 8 might have been largely financed by the Mormon church, but I think a huge part of why it passed was a greater number of black voters. Who don’t have such… enlightened, shall we say… attitudes toward gays or gay marriage.
must admit i got a bit teary hearing obama made it even it it was pretty much a sure thing
but my first thought hearing maccies congrats speech ( im in europe, maybe a diff. view) was that everyone seemed to think ..oh such a gracious speech, which i really think it was but that the skin colour was the first topic seemed out off place to me at first..guess i just saw a smart man and no colour…and all that booing from the crowd! now that that it’s digested i do see the first black president is a milestone for america…and btw welcome back usa..so yeah a great thing even if it remains 2nd to actually having somebody with brains and vision in place is more needed..
obama may seem a bit mono but shit he is actually smart…and that has always been so if you look at his history
i really hope america takes in his words about things not magically becoming perfect overnight and that it may take more than even one term to get things running in the right direction…don’t let that euphoria wear off..
you guys have the pretty much the whole world backing you on this and it gives us hope, where it seemed usa gave us on headaches before
congrats america we are all soo soo happy for you, for us and for the world!
hello 09!
I understand some of you think this was just some Mormon thing. It wasn’t. Some Mormons might have been involved, but you are failing to give credit to the fact that many….manymanymany ordinary, and even liberal, folks do not support giving power to a court to overturn the popular vote. Get past all the buzz words and look at it from different perspectives. Until everyone does that, all this name-calling and ranting about “h8” only serves to deepen the divide between the yes/no voters in California. Not everyone who voted “yes” hates gay people. They are not evil, relgious nuts, etc. They are regular people just like you, only they have a different point of view. There are strong arguments on both sides, and both sides need to come together to talk this thing out.
Go her!
It’s not Mormons, it’s any religious person that just accepts whatever the “bible” says. It’s people who are scared of change.
GetYourAdverbsHere, they might not hate, but I don’t see why they feel the need to say no to gays in the first place? Like, how is it affecting them? Sure it’s their point of view.. but it’s pretty selfish.
The funny this is Mormans don’t belive in voteing. So why should they care. Accouring to my husbands Aunt who is a Monman. Only a few select chosen ones will go to heaven. So why do they even give a shit!! More room for them. Or so they think.
So sad such small minds. I don’t know why anyone would want to stay a Mormon. Prince is a Morman too. Guess he didn’t get the memo that they don’t like blacks much eather. My friends mom pulled up to the Temple in Bellvue Washington to see if the could learn more about the Morman’s. They refused to open the door to them and then shut the gate after they drove off. Real Nice!! So much love.
What is funny to me about the “Yes on prop 8” support coming from the Mormon church is that lots of Mormons support having more than one wife. That’s also currently illegal in the States. So basically they don’t want to redifine marriage as between two men or two women, but they are cool with it being between a man and several women? Whatever, guys. Nice try.
Marriage rights for al!
sometimes it is so hard to concentrate on the message of some of these comments as they are RIDDLED with grammatical errors.
also prince is jehovah’s witness – not mormon.
getyouradverbshere has a point – there’s no way that only the mormons make up the 52.5% of voters that passed H8TE. also, the argument that record numbers of african-american voters voted disproportionately [7 out of 10] to pass H8TE, is not entirely accurate. i hate to say it, but african-americans only made up 10% of the californian vote. as sad as this fucking is, it means that people from all across racial, religious, and political backgrounds passed this discriminatory legislation. it’s a fucking tragedy, but we WILL overcome it.
There is a great deal of difference between a man with darker skin and those who just want to have same sex realtionship and call it marriage. Which is between a man and woman. Which if accepted involves teaching everyone it is normal,.. and that is a big deal to any religious community as well as married couples, their children. It is not racism, or discriminatory opinion per se.. this is a forced opinion gays desired to pass and be accepted with complicated repercussions that affect all of mankind and the laws.
Black president is not the same. Color is just a color. The bible does not discriminate against color. Yet it does not, necessarily agree with same sex marriage. I do. I think people are born gay, a lot of them anyway. And people who are that decide to be gay are fine in God’s eyes. Saying that choosing a black president is the same makes no sense to me.
beebeec, the same thing was said about interracial marriage. Everyone had to learn it was normal. And, guess what? If you don’t want to marry someone of the same race, that’s your prerogative. If you don’t want to marry someone of the same sex, that’s your prerogative. Lot’s of people still teach their children that interracial marriage is wrong. You are still free to teach your children that gay marriage (and homosexuality) is wrong. The rest of us will grow up and evolve.
and hello- no one is saying that mormons are the ones who voted prop 8 in. their church gave the money to push it through. all those television commercials and such. they paid 22 million dollars to persuade regular people into voting yes.
Anybody that doesn’t believe in Gay Marriage should not be invited to the reception. That is all.
Save the whales!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, someone answer me this. If electing Obama was such a great step forward for equality, and banning gay marriages is this huge step backwards, how do you reconcile the fact that Obama is AGAINST Gay marriages?
Isn’t that kind of contradictory? Maybe electing Obama and the ban of gay marriages are both steps backwards and the fact that the guy is half black really doesn’t mean that much?