Today's Evil Beet Gossip


“For me it was laziness. I wore my pyjamas and threw on whatever was warm enough. It still amazes me. It’s just layers and it doesn’t make any sense to me at all.”

Mary-Kate Olsen, on the attention paid to her fashion sense.

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  • or in other words…”I’m rich biyatch!”. billionairesses (i made it up) can wear whatever the hell they want. deal.

  • This from someone who just released a coffee table book honoring those who have influenced her sense of fashion and style?!? I guess (big surprise!) Ashley was the brain behind that endeavor, as the book actually sounds very intriguing. Too bad Mary-Kate doesn’t seem to agree.

  • you can have good taste and an appreciation for style and not bother to use them every day. it doesn’t make sense that you would. i mean, do we use our very best vocabulary and formal syntax in everyday conversation? no, because it’s not worth the effort. she’s a human being who doesn’t get all dolled up to go out for a cup of coffee. what’s so weird about that? and it’s not cause she’s rich, either. newsflash: *anybody* can wear whatever the hell they want. celebrities get more shit about it, not less – whether they look good or not.

  • that makes sense because she usually looks like crap unless she is dressed for an event…i never understood all the hype…i think she is trying to make it sound like being “fashionable” was so effortless & natural for her, when in reality i am sure she was trying too hard.

  • Yeah Mary Kate, I am sure people really give a shit about your fashion sense, since clearly there is nothing else in the world people really care about except you!.

    Oh and I can get the same clothes as you for less than 5$ and still look better ! ahahaha

    • Maybe you aren’t out and about on the interwebs, but a LOT of people love Mary-Kate and her style.
      I don’t, but I’ve witnessed others.
      They do care about her fashion sense.