Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Daredevil Slackliners Wed On Net Suspended 400 Feet Above Ground


Ryan Jenks and Kimberly Weglin got really high for their wedding ? 400 feet high. The slacklining pros exchanged vows on a net suspended above a canyon floor in Moab, Utah, according to CBS News.

“We both love slacklining. We both have made it our lives, so it was pretty easy to decide where to get married,” Jenks told CBS Sacramento last week in the segment above.

The netting normally has a hole in the middle for BASE jumping, Weglin told the station, but they filled it in with extra cord for the wedding.

“I used to be terrified of heights,” Weglin told People last month. “So it really meant a lot to get married in the air in a space that used to scare the shit out of me and have it feel normal.”