Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Amy Schumer Splits from Boyfriend Ben

I hear Amy Schumer has split from her boyfriend of a year and a half, Ben.  Her rep released a 4069E46E00000578-0-image-a-71_1494981860719statement saying ‘Amy and Ben have ended their relationship after thoughtful consideration and remain friends.’

I never felt solid about their relationship and I’ll tell you why.  They met, as many of you know, on a dating app that pairs celebrities with better than average “regular” people that are seeking famous partners.  How could you ever feel like you were anything other than a meal ticket?   I’ve heard Amy say a few times about how he just made her feel so safe because he’s got her back 100%, and that’s probably true, considering you all but hired him.

So anyway, that’s over now and hopefully she’ll find her next love under more organic circumstances, like a Hollywood Hills house party or a billionaire’s mega yacht.

Whatevs. Love ya, girl.


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  • You can only plug her ignorant pie hole SO many times with your cock to shut her the fuck up and to not hear her whining.
    Gawd, she’s so friggin’ stupid and annoying and loud. Her relative Political Commisar Schumer is another piece of shit.