Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Matt Damon on Palin: “It’s Like a Really Bad Disney Movie”

Once again, I don’t care who you’re voting for, you gotta watch this interview with Matt Damon, where he makes the point that, well, he’s done the actuary tables (really?) and determined that John McCain has a one in three chance of kicking the bucket at some point during the next four years. This will put, as he so eloquently phrases it, a hockey mom from Alaska “facing down Vladimir Putin … using the folksy stuff she learned at the hockey rink.”

He also said that he doesn’t “understand why more people aren’t talking about how absurd it is.”

Uh, Matt?

Are you living in this country right now?

We don’t really talk about much besides Sarah Palin these days.

I have some campaign suggestions for Barack Obama. If you want to take some of the steam out of the McCain engine, stop wasting your breath trying to discredit the woman politically and just give Lindsay Lohan an eight-ball. Sit Nicole Richie down for a few shots of tequila and make sure she has the keys to her car. Get Mary-Kate Olsen some quality time with Benji Madden. Steal all of Britney Spears’ underwear.

For Christsake, give us anything else to talk about right now.

63 CommentsLeave a comment

  • He makes some good points ;) It does seem like a really cheesy movie in the sense that they are selling us a fabricated image. She as a VP will not have much power, but what if that crazy McCain does kick the bucket?
    On another note, I don`t get why he needs to know if she believed in dinosaurs? Really, Matt would that affect your vote?

  • Yeah, like Matt Damon and the rest of Hollywood are all REALLY SMART and we should take into consideration what they think of politics.


  • i couldnt agree with you more beet!

    barack needs some publicity stunts asap if hes going to defet the palin. everyone knows this country is all about scandal and if he doesnt get one soon hes going to lose votes

  • Good comment Chuck!

    Brilliant …. Brilliant.

    I hope politicians like McCain and Palin start ranting, bitching and making stupid lame comparisons about movies and crappy music. “The Bourne Identity is shitty like a really boring filibuster”

    Chuck for President !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • He’s right, though. Palin IS a ridiculous and irresponsible VP choice. It’s going to be mortifying for the US if McCain kicks the bucket and she steps in as President.

  • stop the Palin carnival now. And yes, Matt Damon or John Smith or Jane Doe whoever says that, MAKES sense. and if you don’t “like fancy “celeberties giving insight and a reasonable observation, then why are you reading Evil Beet? she skewers celeberties… you know.. those ”fancy” people that should keep their mouths shut ’cause they don’t know what they are talking about?!

  • oh, yes and Palin and McCain should talk about Matt Damon now!! oooo get revenge on him. How f***** middle school are you?

  • Booooooo Boooooo!

    Shitty comment by jamms.

    Lacks originality and reaks of constipation.

    Jamms for new governor of Alaska!

  • jemms,

    Guess what I’m doing? Skewering “celeberties” as you put it. That’s what happens here on The Evil Beet.

    Get it?

  • Why the F*** does he need to know if she believes in dinosaurs? I bet he wants to know if she believes in Santa and the Easter Bunny. What an idiot.

  • “Why the F*** does he need to know if she believes in dinosaurs?”

    That’s not what he says. He doesn’t want to know if she believes in dinosaurs, he wants to know if she believes that dinosaurs still existed 4000 years ago (they’ve been extinct for over 50 million years, by the way)

    Why does he want to know that? Because if she does indeed believe that dinosaurs existed 4000 years ago, it means she’s a fucking idiot, and a fucking idiot with power is dangerous. Maybe it has to do with Creationism. Don’t those guys deny evolution? Yeah.

    He’s probably afraid that she’ll ban books and order schools to teach Creationism or some similar bullshit.

  • The Dinosaur point is about her believing in Creationism. Although science tells us dinosaurs walked the earth around 65 million years ago, there are still those who do not believe in science and for some reason think that dinosaurs were created on the 6th days and that was around 4,000-6,000 years old. He is nervous about someone being president and having access to our nuclear codes who does not believe in science.

  • Concerning the dinosaurs, I believe he is referring to the rumor that she wants only creationism taught in schools. There are people out there that absolutely do not think that dinosaurs existed and have compiled evidence to support themselves. There is even a museum that is dedicated to educating about pure creationism. It is a little scary that some people completely deny centuries of scientific research that is so vastly known and taught across the country. I understand his concern.

  • To Tatianne
    Damon wants to know if she believes dinosaurs existed because she’s very religious. If she doesn’t believe in dinosaurs, thats absurd but some extremely religious people don’t. We can’t have someone who doesn’t accept dinosaurs as vice. Right now she’s apart of a church that is praying for homosexuals to become straight.

  • Mat is a douche! No one cares what celebrities think—it’s not like they’re cable of rational logical thoughts considering the result of their decision making skills—the over-flowing celebrity portfolio of mug shots. Don’t know anything about Palin but Mat is ready to offer that she doesn’t believe in dinosaurs. Oh my! What an interview! Where was Mat when Democratic hopeful Kunich was abducted by ET? Second, she wants creationism to be taught alongside evolution in science classes. I’m sure that means that she credits science with the wonderful things it has brought us —– like dinosaurs medicine and nuclear warfare (rolling eyes). (For the record I don’t think creationism should be taught along side science). Lastly, don’t forget to register to vote! No matter what, that’s the only thing that really matters.

  • I usually don’t care at all about what celebrities have to say about politics, but he made it humorous and passionate without being preachy or something. I liked it.

  • Salad Dressing – Matt … two T s not one.

    I want to know how where what brought up this interview.

    Either way – Palin. Sucks. Ass.

    Everyone should register to vote – except for you uneducated republican hicks that seem to hang out on evil beet (goes double for the republican hicks who like seeing lohans ugly ass)

  • PLEASE oh PLEASE let the Dems run this as a commercial. You idiot liberals don’t have the first clue about American politics. That commercial would be the worst thing possible for Obama.

    Matt is a very talented actor/writer but hasn’t a clue about politics.

    C’mon EvilB – you’re supposed to be *EVIL* – this trite unconvincing crap is all you’ve got?? At least you liberals know you’re evil. That’s a start.

    Get your anti-depressants out libs, or if you’ve got the balls – get the hell out of America when McCain takes office. I hear Cuba is a lovely little place.

    Toast. Obama is toast.

  • @ Windy: The uneducated republican hicks should be encouraged to vote as much as the uneducated welfare-breeding-machine democrats should.

    If the fact that McCain might die in the next 4 years were actually relevant, I’d rather have Palin face down Putin, etc. than Obama any day. Seriously, who would you rather have on your side? Bulldog-wearing-lipstick member of the NRA or lawyer from Harvard?

  • In all fairness, he said “you do the actuary tables”, not that he himself did the actuary tables. And I agree, which makes me all the more likely to vote for Palin – I mean, McCain.

    Everything else he said is as relevant as farts in an air vent system.

  • i love gay boy actors that spew stupid bullshit. it’s obvious that he’s been listening to george clooney while bending over for him in his movie trailer. you just watch, brad pitt will be next.

  • He is saying that religious nuts believe god created the dinosaurs when he created the planet about 4,000 years ago. God, according to morons like Palin, created the dinosaurs to look really old to test our faith but the dinosaur fossils are really only 4000 years old.

    Palin isn’t a bad mom that who has an underage teenage daughter who drinks and gets herself knocked up. Oh no, she is a good Christian mom that does the right “family” thing by raising the child instead of aborting. She is a Christian super hero!!

  • I think it is time we stop looking to celebrities on a soap box for political advice. If you haven’t noticed, celebrities are by far the most uneducated group of people with access to media coverage. They generally lead obscene lives, and it is ABSOLUTELY NOT a coincidence that they always vote for democrats, and agree with the liberal social agenda. The progressive movement can be defined as a society accepting weirder and weirder sh** as time goes on. Right now, liberals want men to be able to marry each other. Tomorrow, it might be men marrying animals. Take a step back and look at the big picture. Does it really make any sense? I don’t care who you vote for, don’t just listen to someone because they are on TV. If they knew what they were talking about, they might have a REAL job. THINK before VOTING! Please.
    P.S. I have met Sarah Palin on more than one occasion, and she brings to the table the kind of energy this country needs right now. Regardless of how you vote.

  • I want to know why people on the right always dis celebrities for espousing their political views (which they have as much right to do as anyone) until one of them decides to run for office as a Republican. Why the hell is Arnold Schwarzenegger so much more relevant that, say, Susan Sarandon?

  • @ Doug

    Wow…umm liberals do not want people to marry animals, and it will never come to that. Come on now, that is incredibly extreme and ridiculous to say. I don’t understand what is so wrong about allowing people to have to right to love and marry someone of the same gender. How is that hurting you? It’s not. So stop acting like it’s the end of the world.

  • Young earth creationists don’t believe dinosaurs never existed. They believe that dinosaurs lived alongside humans. They even believe there were dinosaurs on Noah’s Ark (extra wacko points for actually believing there WAS a Noah’s Ark).

  • oh, Ronald Reagan. And Clint “Hottie” Eastwood… former mayor of Carmel (CA). then there is the guy from Love Boat… “Gopher” he was I believe a Sen. from Iowa (Rep) and then there is the “law and Order” man. Forgot his name. hmmm.. anyone think of more?

  • laurie, thank you. it is just logical. i am a dem and i am pro life, but thank you. oh, there are PLENTY of pro -choice Republicans out there, so you cannot piogen hole everybody. Laurie makes sense. If Palin was a Dem, I would NOT want her because the little experience.

  • Ashley…mainley because 90% of Hollytard is unwilling/uneducated enough to actually give good solid arguments. “Bush is bad, yay Obama,” can u honestly come up with a politically accurate statement that proves McCain is bad? Bottom line is Obama has said very little about what he will acutally “change” and yet all the sheep still follow…baaaaa, good for u. Three cheers for free thinking, as long as it’s what your party tells you to think…

  • agree w laurie. Palin vs Putin is so much better than Obama vs Putin…….if it ever comes to that. Obama won’t be able to act, all he has is his words, not the balls.

  • jemms dear,

    The point I’m making about Matt Damon (and the rest of the Hollywood crowd) is that they generally lack any education beyond high school. If Matt Damon had something bad to say about Democrats, I’d be saying the same things.

    Matt Damon is not smart. Sorry to burst your bubble.

  • Why does Matt think anyone gives a rat’s ass about what he thinks? I care about his political opinions almost as much as I care about Jessica Simpson’s.

    Chuck, you’re my hero!

  • It’s nice to see Palin’s fans bashing “retards”, since she claims to be such an advocate of special education (although she cut funding for special ed programs while governor of Alaska).

    And I’d much rather have an educated lawyer from Harvard who understands the power and importance of diplomacy instead of a trigger happy moose hunter who got her first passport in 2007. Bush didn’t visit Iraq before he decided to go to war, and look how that turned out. “Shoot first ask questions later” is not my idea of the best way to deal with a nuclear power.

    Something negative about McCain? OK. He voted against equal pay for equal work, which is important to me as a woman who believes I should receive the same pay as man for doing equal work. He voted agaist veteran’s benefits over and over. He sided with Bush on an anti-terror bill (which, by the way, was about the only bill this divided congress could pass before our idiotic president vetoed it). McCain, who truly suffered torture methods as a POW, voted against a bill that would outlaw us torturing. He wrote and sponsored an immigration bill that he now says he wouldn’t vote for. I didn’t hate McCain in 2000, when he wasn’t pandering to the far right wackos (PS I also like Obama because he doesn’t pander to the far left wacko nutjubs- like when he voted for the FISA bill and the lefties were pretty angry). McCain has made a lot of really sexist remarks (including making fun of an 18 year old Chelsea Clinton, calling her ugly and saying Janet Reno was her father). And I think the worst is his pick of Palin as VP. It was clear Karl Rove politics, and it proved McCain really isn’t the “maverick” he once was. His campaigning has gotten dirty, most recently charging Obama with trying to teach sex ed to 5 year olds, when Obama supported a bill that would help teach little children how to protect themselves from sexual predators. He’s basically calling Obama, a protective father of two young girls, a pervert. You can sue someone for libel in a situation like this. It’s borderline illegal and it’s nasty politics. And there’s too much at stake to fall for it.

  • Although or boy Matt is a good actor, I think the rush of putting his words where his beliefs were, caused him to have a lapse of eloquence. Actors are better with the words of others in their mouth. We all know what he was trying to say and there are many people who are doing all the criticism who are not expressing themselves any better.

    I think Ms Dinosaurs says it all. Perhaps we should all go on the internet and get more of an education, because if this country does go down like many foreign people seem to want it to, it will go because there are too many dumb flockers per square foot.

  • chuck, I never commentd on how smart he is. How would I know? I know acting is a skill and talent and is hard to do. I don’t have any bubbles to burst about Matt Damon.

  • Chuck, Matt attended Harvard. That is not stupid or dumb. He may not of graduated, but only the top 1% of high school students applying get the fortune to attend. My husband graduated with honors from Brown U. in ’96 and Harvard vs. Brown are rivals about who is the best, smatrest, etc., anyway, you can hate Matt Damon all you want, but you cannot call him dumb. What he said may of rubbed you the wrong way and that is fine and you have every right to your opinion (respectfully) and I am sure you are smart enough to know that. I like being fair and decent. I do not think Sarah Palin is dumb by no means. She is a great speaker and skilled politically, but I do not agree with her. Cheers.

  • I find it most entertaining that the announcement of this woman as the Republican candidate for vice president has all of the Democrats and liberals crapping in their pants. All of them trembling like it will be the end of the world if McCain gets elected and she becomes second in command. It always make it even more funny when they start interviewing celebrities about their political beliefs. It should be noted that most celebrities are morons, which is why none of them can hold real jobs (And no, I’m sorry, but being paid a ridiculous salary to pretend that your somebody else cannot be categorized as a real job.). Calm down, lefties — she’s just one person, for chrissake! Even if the chance exists that she does become president, I’m sure the impact on your precious little lives will be minimal (with the exception of getting a tax break or two — not sure you’ll be able to deal with that, though). You’ve made it through nearly 8 years with our current “Creationist” commander-in-chief, and somehow you’re still breathin’, aren’t ya? Man, this is a fun election year. Now excuse me while I go back to laughin’ my ass off.

  • Wow. This is an interesting thread. Two things I noticed. The Republicunts love Mrs. Palin and treat her like a rock star. The democats hate her and say she is not experienced enough to be POTUS. The republicunts also claim Obama is treated like a Rock Star and does not have enough experience to be President. The truth is they are both right. How in the world demoncats can claim Palin lacks experience to be VP or POTUS and then select Obama to be POTUS is laughable. Neither of those two are ready. In fact I can honestly say Palin has more experience than Obama’s dumbass does and she is hot. She still is not ready and how the hell did McCain get the nod? WTF? The whole election is a bad Disney movie. Scotty beam me up!

  • Yeah for Dinosaurs – a voice of reason!! Did it ever occur to some of you dumbasses that you don’t have to be a liberal to not like Palin?? Ever think of that. Or is it just soooo much easier to make that assumption. I am non-partisan and have voted for presidents from both parties.

  • Senor Loco-
    Yes, you are right, I am still breathing. But you know is not still breathing? 4,155 Americans who have lost their lives in Iraq. And anywhere from 1300-1800 died because of Hurricane Katrina and our poor response. I’m not sure how many lives have been lost because of our crappy health care system, but I can safely say I’m sure it’s a hefty number. So I feel pretty lucky that I am still breathing.

    And yeah, I am “crapping my pants” worrying about my fellow Americans’ lives. I worry about you that this election makes you “laugh your ass off”.

  • Don’t worry about me, Dinosaur. I’ve figured out along time ago that all of these politicians are full of shit (and that definitely goes for both parties), but somehow, some way, this country still keeps runnin’. Worry more about how many of the promises that Obama is making that he’ll actually be able to keep. He’s either an idealistic dreamer or a snake oil salesman — take your pick. If you are worried about deaths, worry more about the deaths in the inner-cities due to gang related violence (that have numbered much higher than 4,155 in the same time period as the U.S. has occupied Iraq, btw), and why both Democrats and Republicans have done nearly nil to address this issue. Worry more about how if the U.S. pulls out of Iraq what impact it will have on the Middle East, especially to Israel. Worry more about the faltering educational system that we have in this country than about the health care fiasco. If we would educate people more about proper diet and exercise, than maybe our health maintenance costs wouldn’t be so damn high in the first place. If you think we’re going to get an effective and non-destructive national health care system in this country, dream on. Those that profit the most from the current system won’t let it happen, as they have all of these political hacks in their pockets. Whatever happens in November in happens, and building up unnecessary anxieties about the possible results will do you no good. You just have to accept the possiblity that the other side might win and make do.

  • Senor Loco,
    As a side note, I totally appreciate your very respectful and intelligent response! It is refreshing to see here!

    I agree with you that Obama cannot deliver on every promise. But it’s important to me to know that there is someone in the highest level position at least TRYING to get good things done. I understand that corporations and their lobbysists will remain a strong force in Washington and there’s not much we can do, but I’m voting for a guy who scares the shit out of lobbyists. I’m voting for the dude who sponsored the ethics reform bill in congress. I’m not a super idealist, but I’m good with taking baby steps in the right direction.

    On health care: Part of obama’s health care goals are to make sure we’re doing enough preventatiev health care- so it’s basically what you’ve said about being educated on proper diet and exercise.

    I agree with you also about gang related deaths, but I also worry about war deaths. I have a lot of Marine friends and it’s pretty rough saying goodbye to them everytime they are deployed and wonder if it’s the last time I’ll see them and why the hell are they fighting this ridiculous war in the first place. And I agree with you that we cannot completely abandon Iraq because we’ve done irreparable damage to the middle east, and yes, we should do our job to protect Israel. But maybe I’m idealistic in my thinknig that diplomacy should be considered as an option to help better the situation. Buch never tried that one. In fact, he never even once visited Iraq before declaring war. And Obama, while a community organizer in Chicago, worked for kids as well on the south side of Chicago. He tried to help with gang related problems. I think education could really help, too. We need better inner city schools and an environment where kids feel they can actually succeed and attend college, and not always be stuck in their violent environments.

    I can’t quite accept McCain winning right now because some things are too important for me. Of course I will have to if he wins, but I’m not ready yet. Because I sincerely do worry about how many more lives will be lost. I worry about someone like Governor Palin, who mentioned that we would keep the door open to going to war with Russia (a nuclear power for crying out loud!) being a heart’s beat away from the presidency. I’m not ok with someone voting for someone just cause he/she is “just like me”. I would never, ever vote for someone who I thought was like me. I would make a horrible president! I want someone smarter than me. Jeez, that’s terrifying.

    Anyway, point is, I think you and I are actually in agreement on a lot of issues. I really do believe Obama is in step as well, and I think it’s better to have someone in office who has acknowledged the depth of these problems and has outlined plans to try and help, as opposed to someone who hasn’t provided any policy ideas except to keep fighting for 100 years and lower taxes for the wealthy.

    But that’s just my two cents.

  • @dinosaur –
    Hey genius, Palin didn’t actually cut special education funding. She increased it. She also doesn’t want to teach creationism instead of evolution in schools. Those are internet myths. Educate yourself before you shoot off at the mouth.

  • Where are your sources drdeaton? While I don’t claim to be a genius (at all!) I can use the internet.
    As for creationism:

    I don’t think creationism should be taught in school at all. That’s not the place for religious education. Teach it all you want in church and in the home. Far be it from me to say what religious institutions can and can’t teach children.

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