Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Tropic Thunder Wins Again!

Despite a very strong opening Friday by The House Bunny, Tropic Thunder barely edged it out for the #1 film this weekend, with $1M more in ticket sales.

The Rainn Wilson comedy The Rocker came in a disappointing twelfth place with just $2.8M in ticket sales. To be fair, I’d never heard of that movie before in my life, and it still probably took in more during its opening weekend than Jessica Simpson’s Blonde Ambition did with its entire theatrical run. But if Rainn had the good sense to get a DUI a week ago, he definitely could have doubled that number. As an alternate option, he could have cast Rumer Willis in the film and insisted that she get bright red lipstick all over her front teeth at the press conference, where there are sure to be 100 head shots taken. Either way would have helped.

32 CommentsLeave a comment

  • It’s just you.

    These are some unfortunate pictures. Maybe Rumer should start practicing facial expressions while sitting in front of a mirror. Learn what not to do, for goodness sake!

  • I love the lipstick flub
    I’m always checking that doesn’t happen to me
    suddenly her face looks very fat
    what the hell happened to her?

  • @ Beet: Lmao! XD It’s been a long night, and I totally skipped over that part for some reason. -looks like a total idiot now- Ah well :P

  • She should try a burka. Or massive reconstructive surgery.
    Sorry, but in her shallow world where beauty is a top currency, those are her life choices.

  • Ok, I don’t get her yet… I am supposed to, right? Like, I’m supposed to realize since her Mom and Dad are famous that I’m supposed to adore her, I’m supposed to believe she’s talented, beautiful and interesting? Is that it? Someone wake me when she goes away.

  • Maybe she should consider college… Doesn’t the country need teachers more than mutant talentless celebrity offspring? She could actually do something good with her life… and none of us would have to see her ugly mug everywhere we turn.

  • Beet, didn’t you just give her kudos (’cause u know I’m reading every word) for finally learning how to pose for pictures? I’m thinking it was a fluke.

    How bad must it suck to look like this when your Mom is so attractive? Damn, chin up Rumer – oh, wait, scratch that. Chin down, dear, chin down.

  • Unfortunately she’s got her dad looks, mostly and personally, I don’t always find her mom that attractive, sometimes Demi looks a bit manly. Her facial features are all small on a long face with a large jaw. It’s very strange looking. But she really can’t help it. You can’t just dump her out of the human race cause she’s not attractive. She could do things to improve her look, starting with her hair.

  • I wonder what she will look like in a few years when the baby fat is finally going to disappear from her face ?

  • Rumer needs to get breast implants like her mom, then run around in skimpy clothes so no one notices her face.

  • And she seems to have some sort of carrot looking schmutz on her tooth, but I can’t really tell if it’s pink, or orange.

  • rumor willis is really ugly if you dont mind me sayingl. not to be mean or anything. shes just ugly. her face is this really wierd shape.

  • Her face reminds me of the man in the moon or something….she’s just horribly unattractive….yick.

  • It is not her actual facial features that are unattractive, just that everything seems to be very concentrated in the middle of her face, and the shape of her face resembles a beachball.

  • Could it be that she was hoping the lipsticked tooth would distract people from the rest of her face?