Not that this is particularly shocking, but most of Europe seems to be a lot less uptight about nudity than America. As such, plenty of magazines on the continent are full of nudity in both advertisements and editorials and no one really bats an eyelash, which is I suppose why Gisele Bundchen‘s naked shoot for France’s Lui is sorta no biggie. Yep, that’s the same magazine that started Rihanna‘s Nipplegate controversy and led her to leave Instagram for good.
There’s not much that can be said here, really. Giselle is hot, she’s got a great body and no one will really be complaining about seeing her naked. The magazine is on stands now if you so happen to find yourself in France, but some more photos can be seen below (though beware, they’re not necessarily safe for work).
We are less uptight, true, but Lui is like the French Playboy, just bunch of fuckboys who will photograph naked women and then write articles on why men are superior.