Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Barack on the Attack!!!

Oh YAY!!!!

This is TOTALLY the best part of politics.


Love it, love it, love it.

Here an Obama ad noting that John McCain is SO OLD and SO RICH that he doesn’t even remember how many houses he owns! (The answer is seven.)

This shit is totally better than a Paris v. Nicole fight, because ads like this are really expensive and funded by some of the most powerful people in our country.

How will McCain retaliate?


34 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Ahhhh, hahahahahahahahahaaaa so I just watched the ad!!!!!!

    Obama is being very conservative with the 7 number……they aren’t counting the condos or the house they bought for their daugher, Meghan.

    And before ya’ll jump on me, it is totally fine for anyone to a.) buy as many houses as they want; and b.) to buy a house for your own child.

  • Uhhh this is the part of elections I hate… I can only hope someone will take the high road and focus on the issues, but I guess that would be too easy and not as fun, eh Beet?

  • It’s about fucking time that Obama (and perhaps some day other Democrats) grew some balls and started fighting back against the Republican lies and propaganda before we are stuck with another moron in the White House for four more years. Do Republicans have nothing to offer this country except people who graduated at the bottom of their respective classes. So far, most of the major news media have been rolling over for “Saint McCain” like compliant little puppies waiting to have their bellies scratched. They are afraid of being called un-patriotic for tarnishing the halo of the great hero. McCain was a hero, before his ambition to have himself included on Mt. Rushmore with Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson and Roosevelt caused him to sell his principles along with his soul to George W.Bush and the other gangsters in the current administration.

  • I think the ‘Hmm’ in the middle of the ad is one of my favourite parts.

    McCain is responding by saying OMG OBAMA HAS AN EXPENSIVE MANSION TOO!

  • politics can be very silly
    it’s just like a Desperate Politicians serials
    there is an old British series I loved to watch
    called “Yes,Minister”
    I would recommend it to everyone
    it’s so true, so unbelievable, so funny and so adaptable to all times
    it’s worth the watch
    in case you find the DVD collection

  • Supposedly, this ad is a response to McCain’s characterization of Obama being an elite rich man who couldn’t possibly understand the concerns of the poor that he purpots to want to help, …blah, blah, blah.

  • And it is right! McSame has no clue how the rest of us live and he went on the rampage all summer long this summer trying to paint Obama as an elitist. This from the man who flies around in his wife’s private jet. Ha. At the very least, not knowing how many houses you own, points to one of two things or maybe both:
    1. you’re out of touch with the regular man because you’re so filthy rich and/or
    2. you’re too damn old and muddled in the head to run this country.

    Obama ’08 – YES! We can!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • you go obama, you’re treatin’ that cracker like he just walked down the wrong alley. show them whiteys that they can’t live in more than one mansion and have gobs of money, and actin’ all wealthy and shit. we love you even though you’re doing your george jefferson bit, livin’ all uptown and still talkin’ shit about the man that helped you get there. keep it up, bro’, you’s gots my vote.

  • i believe both candidates are wealthy and successful.
    my question is what the hell is wrong with that?
    isn’t that the american freaking dream?
    why wouldn’t we want to elect someone who has had personal financial success to run the country? why is that a negative all of a sudden? wouldn’t you extrapolate that if they could make money for themselves that they might actually be able to handle the country’s economic issues?

    the ads both candidates are running look just like the ads that every other candidate has run for the last 30 years. if they are both so different from everything that has occurred before, why don’t they break out of the traditional advertising paradigm and actually tell me what they actually intend to do if elected? not empty promises but i hate to cite her and i can’t believe i’m doing it, like Paris Hilton’s energy plan spoof. there were concrete solutions mentioned in that parody. i don’t need scary attack ads, they both scare the shit out of me already.

  • Couldn’t agree more with Ribbet.

    Let’s elect a loser who has either always been broke or has filed for bankruptcy at least twice in his/her lifetime. At least when he/she runs the country further into the ground we will have been warned by the state of their personal finances.

    Capitalism is not bad or wrong. It is what keeps us in clothes, feeds us and keeps a roof over our heads. Not sure about the rest of you, but in my book, having the basic necessities of life is a good thing, and so is capitalism.

  • capitalism is highly overrated. and just because i said that does not mean i think we should live in a communistic state. there are other alternatives. there is no such thing as a truly “free market” economy. we need to look into the scandinavian and central european models. there’s a mix of social responsibility and capitalism that seems to working better than our economy at the moment. case in point: norway enjoys the highest standard of living in the world. all central and northern european countries rank higher than the us in standard of living and infant mortality rates. we need to pull our heads out and consider that there are other models of socio-economic-political organization than the one we cling to…

  • I don’t see mobs of people trying to move to the Scandinavian or central European countries. They are trying desperately to move to the good old USA.

    There’s multiple reasons for that.

  • just got back from there, beer is norway is 14 dollars a very small glass because of the taxes. there’s no way that the average american is going to vote for a system that would increase the price of bud that much. just saying.

    going to go research tax shelters now.

  • lol… you guys… you can say what you want, the standard of living in those countries is much higher than in our own. also, many people try to come to the us, yes, but a very low percentage of those people come from the scandinavian countries. so what if a beer in norway is $14 (my son spent a month there this summer, too, i’m well aware of prices) they earn enough money to buy the beer. and they don’t have to worry about the other essentials of life, as many american families do. but argue whatever you all want, it does not change the truth that capitalism is not the best system and it is not the most successful socio-economic model. that is simply a fact. if it were, we would be enjoying the highest overall standard of living in the world and the simple truth is: we do not! and that, by a long shot!

  • Jojo’s right, at least on the standard of living and mortality rates. But they also pay almost 50% of their income in taxes, in Denmark it gets over 60% in the top bracket, which will never fly here. I’m not an expert, but I don’t know how feasible their systems would be in a much larger and more diverse country like the US.

    I kind of want to walk around saying “Barack Attack!”, striking fighting poses. It just rolls off the tongue.

  • then there’s the freezing cold out there thing
    and the alcohol intake
    and the suicide rates
    the midnight sun
    and Santa Claus

  • some people in scandinavian countries pay almost 50% or even above, but NOT the average citizen. the average citizen pays anywhere from 25 to 35% tax there and they GET something for the money they pay…. great public transportation, (almost) free education through college, total health care, etc. etc…. so yeah, i would rather that my tax money were going for programs that helped the good of society and from which i benefitted as well…and not for some pre-emptive and elective war that i opposed and continue to oppose that has cost billions and billions of dollars and thousands upon thousands of lives. but whatever…

  • i <3 asta! i completely agree with your comment.
    i’m going to have to agree to disagree with jojo with regard to whether or not the european system would be a workable deal in the u.s.

  • I’d much rather have a President who is responsible in his finances, if a man is some homie from Chicago I don’t want his leadership! Barack is preying on the fears and animosity of the poor. He is asking them to channel their anger and blame into voting for him! He’s a half black man who is married to a black woman, both have IVY league educations and are millionaires. He needs to shut the fuck up.