I suppose you have to sort of feel bad for Robin Thicke. After all, here’s a walking human penis whose every thought and action revolves around being inside of a woman, so is it really his fault that he perpetually cheated on wife Paula Patton for so many years? He doesn’t think so, and in fact thinks he’s in with a fighting chance to win her back after she walked out on his ass FINALLY.
According to TMZ, Robin was performing in Fairfax, VA last night, where he told the crowd: “For y’all that don’t know me and my wife separated, but I’m trying to get my girl back. She’s a good woman.” Then he launched into that awful ‘Lost Without You’ song that’s done entirely in falsetto. HAHAHA. Okay, bro.
However, maybe we should see the genius in this move and give him a little credit. After all, while Paula probably rolled her eyes when she heard about that and shut her phone off for the night, Robin probably got some serious action from groupies in the audience who thought it was “soooo sweet!!” and that he needed some comforting. Win-win situation there, Robin, eh?