Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Nikki Blonsky’s Dad Is Out of Jail

For anyone who’s still following this story, Nikki Blonsky’s father has been released from a Turks and Caicos after his bail was lowered to $3000.

I really grow less and less happy about this story as every day passes without video of the actual fight. I can’t believe there weren’t security cameras in that airport. This sort of bullshit never would have happened in the U.S. We would have had that tape within twelve hours. GO AMERICA!

4 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Shes a very weird colour in this picture.
    Not quite orange, but damnit shes trying. The colour fades as it gets to her chin too.

  • why do we care about this fat bitch? I miss the days when you had to be good looking to be famous. YES I SAID it. we all miss good looking celebrities (not self proclaimed good looking, such as Paris)