Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lily Collins Is So Popular She’s A Threat To The Internet

lily collins LAX

Lily Collins is way more popular than I thought. I don’t get it, but apparently a lot of people do, because she’s now the #1 threat to your computer. Meaning, when you search for “Lily Collins” online and download photos of her or whatnot you risk, “a nearly one-in-seven chance of ‘landing on a website that has tested positive for online threats, such as spyware, adware, spam, phishing, viruses and other malware.’ (McAfee via NBC News).

Last year, the “Most Dangerous Cyber Celebrity” was Emma Watson, who didn’t even make the cut this year. Here are the following 9 from McAfee, after Ms. Collins:

2. Avril Lavigne

3. Sandra Bullock

4. Kathy Griffin

5. Zoe Saldana

6. Katy Perry

7. Britney Spears

8. Jon Hamm

9. Adriana Lima

10. Emma Roberts

That’s an eclectic list! Surprised Model of the Year Kate Upton and Miley “Next Level Cyrus” isn’t on here.


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