Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Amanda Bynes’ Twitter Hacked

photo of amanda bynes pictures

Good news, everyone: when Amanda Bynes tweeted “I love drake” a few days ago, it turns out that it wasn’t actually her doing the tweeting. This is good news because we’ve heard that since Bynes has been in a hospital for her mental health, she’s been making great progress, and this tweet would have been a step back. Someone, and I’m looking at her fake wanna-be publicist who tweeted that the cops showed up at Bynes’ apartment which prompted Jenny McCarthy to get involved, probably knew her password and logged in as her. What a dick person.

Ms. Bynes’ lawyer confirmed the story. From Daily News:

Amanda’s Twitter account has been hacked. She is at the UCLA Medical Center with no access to phones or computers.

And Bynes could be there as long as a year. I guess we can assume that for about a year, any tweets that should come from Bynes’ account are not actually from Bynes.


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  • Oh…..I guess I have to take back that stuff I said about Drake needing bodyguards and witness protection. Wonder who hacked her?