Jay-Z (oh, I’m sorry – Jay Z?) released his latest album, Magna Carta Holy Grail, earlier this summer to mixed reviews. I really like 1/4 of it, like about 1/2 of it and the rest I’ll skip whenever it comes up on my iTunes, but that’s neither here nor there. Jay worked with quite a few other artists on this record, and the opening track – aptly titled ‘Holy Grail’ – features Justin Timberlake. That song is the new single, and now there’s a video for it! Woo hoo!
Here’s a random question: do any of you actually really like music videos as a medium? I ask because I never have. I don’t think they add anything new to the music and I often find them distracting or disappointing. I don’t really have an opinion on this one either way, but I just don’t “get” music videos as a whole. I know they can be another medium for an artist to express his/her “vision”, but I dunno. Just doesn’t do it for me. If you’re a big music video fan, why do you like them? Shed some light!
totally overwrought and self-important – but Jay Z can really really rap. he is the real deal.
Blur – Coffee and TV!