Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Liv Tyler Getting Back with Her Husband?

After weeks of separation, sources are reporting that Liv Tyler wants to try to work things out with her husband, Royston Langdon. Apparently she broke up with him because she was tired of being the breadwinner and felt like she had too much responsibility in the relationship, but now she misses her boo.

Aw, I’m rooting for these two crazy kids! Hopefully they can work things out.

8 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I seriously doubt she cares about the money. Sounds like a bad rumor to me.

  • Starter marriages are a bitch, especially when you have a kid *pssst* that what number 2 is for. She’s like her mom, and loves musicians – and they are the best to play with, but you don’t marry them! Haysuse.

    Just go and don’t keep ping ponging, it disturbs the kid even more.

    could u please stop relating who and what u saw on meeting….? Please? Thk U….

  • Me too. Hollywood is killer and they already have been married for ages in Hollywood standards and have a kiddo. I hope they work it out.