Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Larry King Is Confused

Ha ha. Christina Aguilera went on Larry King to promote her Rock the Vote PSA, and Larry’s all like, “You’re a softer singer, aren’t you?” And Christina kind of looks at him like, “You’re a fucking idiot, aren’t you?” and then proceeds to explain how she’s pretty much been known as a belter for the better part of a decade.

Jesus, Larry, I’d tell you to do your research, but really I think you just need to come out of your crypt more frequently. That’s like having Shaquille O’Neal on your show and being all like “You’re really more of an outside shooter, aren’t you?”

Ha ha!



15 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I love how Larry is looking at his notes when she says “ACTUALLY I’m known for powerhousing my vocals” like “WTF? THAT”S NOT ANYWHERE IN MY NOTES HERE”

  • I have to say , she is a so sexual woman , but not the best …
    There are so many beautiful ladies and hansome men on b l a c k w h i t e k i s s ,where you can get your dream lover!!

  • Do you get a raise?
    Is this your blog or is it someone else’s and you write for them?

    I’m new here.

  • Sometimes I think Larry King is actually dead, and CNN is just pulling off an extremely well-executed “Weekend at Bernie’s” plan.

  • hey, as I’m not a native speaker, could someone fill me in please?
    what does it mean to be a “softer singer” and a belter?

  • He’s the worst. He had Baryshnikov on once and it was the worst interview ever. He never knows anything and always sounds so clueless.

  • she is so gorgeous. jealous. i love larry king but honey, sometime soon ur gonna slip up real bad

  • I think she handled that really well. How is Mr. King still relevant? There should be a mandatory age cut off for tv personalities and driver licenses.

  • soft singer and belter are pretty self explanatory, but if an explanation is still needed:

    soft singer: marilyn monroe
    belter: axl rose

  • Listen to any Christina song if you want to hear a belter. Fighter is a good example. Or her part of the Moulin Rouge song, Lady Marmalade. Belting is harder (in my own personal experience) to do well without hurting your vocal chords. A lot of power chick pop is belted.

    A softer singer would be, I don’t know, Jewel? (Her early acoustic stuff.) Most folksy or acoustic guitar-playing singers are not belting. It’s a more breathy tone. However, you can use both techniques in the same song, so it’s not like you have to be one or the other.

    Does this help at all?