Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Apparently You Too Can Get Keira Knightley’s Cheekbones If You Do Facial Yoga

Keira Knightley is a great actress but is more often known for her skinny frame and killer cheekbones. If you too want Ms. Knightley’s face bones, you can do something called “Facial Yoga.” This sounds like some Gwyneth Paltrow bullshit right here. I mean, come on. Really? Come on. But this is what claims. And here’s how you do it:

Simple Skincare Fitness Expert, Anna Reich is on hand to show us one of her favourite moves to get cheek bones like Keira Knightley.

Hide your teeth with your lips making a small ‘O’ shape. Keeping the lips as tight as possible, smile as wide as you can and then revert to the ‘O’ shape. Repeat this several times and then hold the smile. Take your index finger and place it on your chin and whilst tipping your head backwards, start to move your jaw up and down, using your index fingers as resistance. Do this three times.’

Isn’t this a better way to get wrinkles than anything else?

Anyone here do facial yoga?

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