Today's Evil Beet Gossip


“A lot of people like to fool you and say that you’re not smart if you never went to college, but common sense rules over everything. That’s what I learned from selling crack.”

Snoop Dogg, to Esquire magazine.

16 CommentsLeave a comment

  • As a rule, I hate drug dealers and pimps. Having said that, I have to break my own rule for Snoop and Ice-T. They are so cool and bad-ass, I just can’t hate them.

  • Wow thats fucking deep..i shouldve just slung some rocks rather than going to school..dayum

  • sometimes it’s not common sense
    it’s a combination of having some talent and luck to be at the right place at the right time with the right people

  • Are there honestly people lacking so much in common sense that they measure other people’s “smartness” by their years spent in educational institutions?

  • classic! this reminds me of last week, i was watching an A&E Biography special on Sasquatch, narrated by Leonard Nimoy(it was on netflix instant play, i couldn’t resist).

    okay so there’s this old british guy(ex-big game hunter turned bigfoot tracker) sitting in a lawn chair in what looks to be a boy scout uniform, complete with ascot. he’s explaining his theory on why no one has ever found remains of bigfoot in the wild. and he’s making a REALLY compelling argument. i’m just to the point of really considering this theory when he says

    “…plus we believe that they bury their own dead.”

  • hmmmmmm. somebody has a inferiority complex. maybe or maybe not, but why so hostile, Snoop?

  • LOL….So I have to assume the people he sells the crack to actually smoke it ….therefore people who are smokin crack have “common sense”???…hummm…oh…wait I get it….that comment CRACKS me up!:)

  • selling crack to kids……making millions from…err, what does this cretin do again ???……… yep….I can see the common sense oozing from this outstanding member of our society!

  • wileE- where do the kids come into it? i myself have spent lots time in crack dealers motel rooms and never saw any kids there. snoop is talented. and admits he used to sell crack, and talks about it honestly with insight rather than trying to go along with the assumptions and presumptions of society.

  • lol i was kinda sorta impressed with what he was saying until i read that last line. this so is the greatest quote ever

  • The sad fact in life is that drugs ‘DO’ filter down to our kids!
    All drugs!
    And being in denial won`t make the problem simply go away. Neither will condoning the acts of these despicable dealers!

  • I am just glad he LEARNED something while selling crack. That is so awesome, that it was a LEARNING EXPERIENCE for him. Wow. I am going somewhere to think on this one for awhile.