Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Or Maybe Angelina Didn’t Have the Twins …

Says a rep for the couple:

“Angelina has not given birth. She is fine, enjoying her home and her family in France.”


True or false?

You decide.

13 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I doubt she’s given birth already. Those Isla/Amelie rumours have been around for nearly a week. If they were true they would have been confirmed by now. Also, those names seem too cute to be true. =( You know Angelina won’t be satisfied with something normal and adorable.

  • i’m not going to believe anything until we see pictures…i wouldn’t blame her too much though. even nowadays with advanced medical whatnot, there’s still risk for twins and the last thing we all need is headlines like:


  • My question is, why are the Pitt-Jolies’ acting so cagey? Either she did or she didn’t. Who really cares, a friend of mine is expecting twins and I don’t see anyone other than her family and friends caring about it. She will be a single mother because her husband left her two months ago and ran off with a clerk from a mobil gas station. Now there is an interesting story, sad too. Should anyone be that concerned over the births of twins that are lucky enough to be born into a loving household that has everything that they will ever want or need. Reality people.

  • here is something completely random. I don’t understand why Angelina Jolie has all this money….and she cannot invest in some chapstick?

  • QUESTION: how long are we supposed to give a damn about their kids? are we gonnna be subjected to weekly reports on their well being forever? i mean come on! i just dont care any more, and i definatly dont wanna have to watch these bastards grow up! now there’s about to be two more of them. i’m soooooo over this.

    ALSO- i agree with Z! i see that alot with white people who have full lips! the both of them have all the money in the world and BOTH of them walk around with the dry-est, cracked, chapped lips. it’s disgusting!

  • “She is fine, enjoying her home and her family in France.”

    It might be her home, and her kids but it’s

    Jen’s Hubby..:P

  • forget about Jen
    I am sure she’s having fun
    I don’t believe in home wreckers
    I believe in better sex
    when it comes to most men in the world
    when it’s not about looks,status or money
    it’s certainly about sex