Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Zac Hanson’s wife, Kate, had the couple’s first baby on Tuesday, a son named John Ira Shepherd Hanson.

And I don’t really care at all, but I thought up that headline like a year ago and I’ve been waiting for a chance to use it. I knew one of those shaggy-haired people would sire another child eventually.

Zac’s only 22. The middle Hanson, Taylor, at age 25, already has three fucking kids. And Isaac’s expecting his second kiddo next month.

And just for nostalgia, here’s the MMMBop video.

12 CommentsLeave a comment

  • If Taylor ever wants a 4th kid id willing go through the pain of child birth.

    Eh, i think i just want to fulfill my 13 year old fantasy of having sex with him.

  • they’ll all be divorced by the time they’re thirty. in oklahoma there’s an immense pressure among christian community members to marry early. i haven’t figured yet (after 12yrs of living in ok) why that is the case. if i were a bible thumper i’m sure i would have already been married. i saw them the h bros in an indian restaurant a few months ago, and the kids do not know how to behave.

  • *in an MmmBop they’re gone! In an MmmBop they’re noooooot there!*

    THANK YOU. I’ll be secretly jamming to Hanson on my Ipod aaaaaalllll day long.

  • OK, I’m through being pissed off by dating site spammers, nowadays I am somewhat amused of what trite they spew out.
    I love that “andy” thinks that Zac is handsome, a great singer and that the spammer asks if Zac’s single. On a post about the birth of his child. Whom he had with his wife.

    Also, kudos on the title. That pun was hilarious and I’m not even sarcastic. I’m silly like that.

  • Seriously, people who are dumb and have nothing better to do always have kids at a young age. It’s like they don’t know how to use the intellectual part of their brain, so they just do whatever is the most obvious. “Well, the dick’s there, might as well…”