More specifically, Vivienne Westwood would like to sell you some jewelry, and she’s using Christina Hendricks to demonstrate why you should buy that jewelry. But do the specifics really matter? Are you really concerned about where the jewelry comes from, or who designed it? Or would you rather just look at all the pretty pictures*?
*Just so we’re clear, I’m talking about Christina Hendricks, not the jewelry. All though I did go back through to look specifically at the jewelry, because I figured I should have some clue what I’m talking about as opposed to just drooling over this lady. I like those earrings ok, and I really like the headpiece, but that big dumb heart necklace is just big and dumb. And that has been your jewelry critique of the day, brought to you by my lady boner.
Seriously, they didn’t think of a strand of pearls between her cans?
I’ll deposit a strand of pearls between her gi-normous cans!