Today's Evil Beet Gossip


photo of super hot anne hathaway pictures
Anne Hathaway’s vagina belongs under the bus. [The Superficial]

Kate Middleton’s first public baby appearance. [Lainey Gossip]

Kim Kardashian’s been diagnosed with Dunlap Syndrome. [Yeeeah]

Quentin Tarantino brushes off CT school massacre as routine. [Starpulse]

All the short men in Hollywood in one place. [theBERRY]

Surprise, surprise—Janice Dickinson is delusional. [Cele|bitchy]

More reasons Diane Kruger might be the luckiest bitch alive. [Bohomoth]

Of course Lindsay’s blaming everyone else for her troubles. [Amy Grindhouse]

Things Jenna Marbles doesn’t understand about sluts. [The Frisky]

Jessica Chastain debuts her dog. [Splash]

Cutest celebrity children of ’12. [Celebslam]

Christian Slater is begging for attention. [Celebslam]

This is what happens when you go to Justin Bieber’s house. [Lainey Gossip]

Playmate Instagrams. That’s all. [The Superficial]

Who Deadmau5 is marrying. God. [The Blemish]

Tom Cruise is a giant. [IDLYITW]

Hilary Duff is perfection. [Hollywood PQ]

Who is the hottest “Diva”? [Bossip]