Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Indy Does NYC

Indiana Jones
premiered in New York today, and all the familiar faces were there — Harrison Ford, Calista Flockhart, Shia LeBuuuuoexxyf.

But Michelle Williams — the Destiny’s Child one, not the Heath Ledger one — was there, too, along with Ashanti. I have no idea what they were doing there, but it’s good to see them. You don’t see enough of these two, probably because they’re way too busy being positive role models and not getting DUIs and stuff.

Oh, yeah, and talk about positive role models: I didn’t smoke today, bitches! Woot woot!

5 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Yay for not smoking again today… and hopefully tomorrow and the next day and the next day and forever and ever and EVER! Now only if we could get Shia Lebouf to quit smoking then the world would almost be perfect. Now to make the world perfect there can’t be any Paris Hilton in it.
    But anyways Shia is dead sexy, I used to be “Friends” with him on Facebook then he deleted it and made a new one private*tear* but I did get to see some nice drunk random pictures of him :D

  • Um, btw Ashanti and Michelle were there because this was the BET 106th and park premier…check the sign behind Shia and Michelle.