Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Joe Francis Arrested, World is Safer


Girls Gone Wild creator Joe Francis has fallen rapidly from “show us your tits” to “show us your hands,” as the 34-year-old disgusting jackass was picked up at the Panama City airport this morning on a warrant seeking his arrest for for criminal contempt of court. Francis was supposed to turn himself in by noon on Thurdsay, but he totally didn’t, because he’s a spoiled piece of crap who thinks he doesn’t have to play by anyone else’s rules or, you know, respect anyone else under any circumstances. Francis claims he was on his way to turn himself in this morning (albeit five days late), but airport authorities recognized him and arrested him.

Yesterday, Francis appeared on Fox News to tell Geraldo Rivera that “I’m not trying to hide at all. I’m on my way to Florida right now to turn myself in and comply with the judge’s order. I would never run from justice. I would never not comply with a judge’s order.” However, Francis did not turn himself in on Monday, and, by that afternoon, neither he nor his lawyer could be contacted.

Francis was sentenced to jail time for contempt of court by a judge after he launched into a three-minute profanity-laced diatribe during mediation on March 21 of this year. The mediation was an attempt to settle a suit filed in 2003 against Francis by seven underage girls who say they were victimized when Girls Gone Wild filmed them in sexual situations. Or, perhaps more accurately, the suit was filed by their fathers. Regardless, the judge felt Francis was not taking the mediation seriously — particularly when he revoked an agreed-upon settlement — and sentenced him to jail for contempt of court.

Can you get life in jail for contempt of court? I sure hope so, because that’s how long Joe Francis ought to stay far, far away from civilized people.

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  • you must be really angry at this boy it is easy speak bad of someone that cannot defend him themself. all these american girls are little whores that do what they want to. kill there babies attrackted to the same sex there goal in life is to turn every head they can and when your trying to vilanize someone remember you could be next your like an old mother hen

  • evil beet you are allready an old liver spotted hen. The man found a way to make money by forsing NOTHING on anyone all the girl if i rember correctley where lined up to show it all and if somone want to sell those tapes…good for them!!! I think your jealous as i am for not doing it. Can you honestley say for 20-30 million a year you would not show drunk girls show there boobs whish is not against the law in canada to do anyway. and canada has no problems with that. So stick your article with your attidue in the 1960s file and get a job that produse somthing as emteraining as GGW and you mite make more than minimum wage.

  • Good. It serves the fool right. That’s what he gets for disributing porn across the globe!