Today's Evil Beet Gossip


photo of jeff goldblum pictures hot pic
Jeff Goldblum and Seth Rogen. Yum. [Elite Daily]

Trouble in paradise for Beyonce? [Bossip]

Surprise! Channing Tatum is an egotistical ass. [CDL]

Marion Cotillard and her son are ADORABLE. [Hollywood PQ]

Lindsay wants to go to rehab instead of jail. [Huff Po]

The highest-paid musician is … [Popbytes]

This is what Lady Gaga wore in Africa. [INFDaily]

The naked men of University of Warwick’s Boat Club. [OMGBlog]

Sofia Vergara’s boob. The whole damn thing. [Celebslam]

And speaking of which, Shirtless Friday. [theBERRY]

Gabriel Aubry’s telling a totally different story. [The Blemish]

Kim Kardashian is overdressed. [Socialite Life]

So how is she not dead yet? [TMZ]

Jessica’s hairy legs and cheese sex. [The Frisky]

Lindsay “wasn’t drunk.” OK. [Starpulse]

Justin Bieber made HOW MUCH this year? [Cele|bitchy]

Sharon Stone’s latest girl-on-girl sex scene. [The Superficial]

It’s not a tumor. [Lainey Gossip]

The week in Playmate Instagrams. [The Superficial]

Blake Lively: four weeks to go! [Lainey Gossip]