Today's Evil Beet Gossip


photo of taylor momsen pictures
Taylor Momsen just sold out. [The Superficial]

Celebrities Tweet photos of themselves voting. [Bitten and Bound]

Jay-Z mocks Mitt Romney. [Starpulse]

What, Beyonce only just registered to vote this year? [Hollywood PQ]

Christina Aguilera’s ‘Your Body’ played with office supplies. [OMGBlog]

The history of misheard lyrics. [Socialite Life]

Lindsay lied about more. [Celebslam]

Christina Aguilera’s ass looks smaller. [Yeeeah]

It would appear that Dakota Fanning did something to her face. [The Frisky]

And she also has a lot to say about Kristen Stewart’s affair. [Cele|bitchy]


Blake Shelton hates Chris Brown. [Lainey Gossip]

Yeah, I don’t get it either. [Celebrity VIP Lounge]

Marion Cotillard—still smoking hot. [Moe Jackson]

Yeah, I almost forgot about Monica, too. [Bossip]

Is Harrison Ford really being considered for Han Solo again? [The Superficial]

Mariah Carey is serious, guys. [Lainey Gossip]