It’s time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests! Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize. Sure hope you registered with a valid email address!
We’ll be choosing the winner of the above photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is!
The winner on last week’s LeBron/Michelle Obama photo: ChronLogic
“On 3 I’ma fall backward and we’ll see how toned those arms are.”
First runner-up: James
“This was a thirty-minute hug to map out. To make sure Le’bron wasn’t able to get any boob action. The first tweny minutes, went into the planning… The last ten minutes went into putting the plan into motion.
Ten minutes after this pic was taken, Le’bron tweeted a pic of the first lady, saying that he had
‘hit’ that.”- Secret Serviceman Bill
Second runner-up: Chuck
Michelle: “Have you gotten the picture yet? COME ON.”
LeBron: “Ugh.”
Congrats to ChronLogic! As for the rest of you, get commenting if you want to win some free crap! (And for the love of God, check your damn email if you want to win the prize!)
Image via The Superficial
Gaze into my cleavage and despair, you mere mortal !
By the way, could you spare 50 bucks ?
That’s commitment. At the ass end of the Liz Taylor movie, Lindsay reveals the old age body, and it’s actually hers, not movie magic.
“Ima Look Better than Kardashian, once they photo shop this”
“Ima Look Better than Kim Kardashian, once they photo shop this”…Then I’ll be able to get a Kenya, Kenny,…I mean Kanye….whatever his name is.
Just ate another booger!
I don’t know—-I came out of rehab and I had these two super hanging boobs—-
Not with your dick wrapped in burlap.
Lindsay heard that the Olympics were happening and wanted to get in on the swim event. Her mistake is one that she frequently makes in not realizing that most things require real qualifications that she seriously lacks. Biting her nails and plastering down her breasts are just two ways she’s devised to make herself more aerodynamic…
Sure they let Ryan Lochte pee in the pool at the Olympics in front of millions of people; but they trow me out for just a little squirk!!!
Those security guards are on to me.
“Rubbing this cocaine on my teeth makes them numb… and white, right???!! Xoxo”
I think there is some coke under this nail…
There is no cursing allowed here, this is the Internet.
I’m a serious actress. It’s just sometimes I get pubes stuck in my teeth. It’s called method acting.
For ONE MILLION DOLLARS…I’ll do another naked photo shoot. (These court and lawyers fees are killing me.)
I hope the freckles on my vage dont show thought this suit, egh…whatever.
I hope the freckles on my vage dont show though this suit, egh…whatever.
Can you repeat that?
Lindsay ponders whether or not you can get a DUI for drunk swimming.
My Father Dr Evil said you could have me for 1 million dollars! Oh wait… thats my little sister. You can have me for just Eleven Dollars!
Lindsay was practicing fellatio and thought her finger was caught in her braces she used to wear.
Lindsay Lohan has found that cocaine is a gateway drug to pinky fingers.
Hmmm, note to self…..Make an appointment to get the fat sucked out of thighs and put into boobs again.
Those 3 hours of community service really did a number on my manicure!
Hey what street are the Olympics on I hear they might having pole dancers at the next one and I want to audition for the lead.
Oh shit…ok, if James asks, it’s a rash…NOT Syphilis…
..otherwise he won’t share the coka
Are those photographers in the bushes? Okay girls, time to get up and perky for the nip slip!
Hmm, while shooting the Cannons, I’m thinking of making mountains out of molehills.
Lindsay tries to set the record straight about the rumours that her playboy shoot was airbrushed. When she asks the question .. Try to “spot” the difference between the pics and her real body?
I wonder what Fez is up to? He’s probably outside Promises waiting for that bitch Amanda Bynes to show up.
I guess I’ll just go yell at Clint Eastwood’s daughter. Maybe then her dad will notice me and put me on the casting couch. He may be old but at least he is good for something other than wearing mesh shirts and kicking his girlfriends in the vagina.
look at mt tits…look at my tits. I think she looked at my tits…
“Damn, I HATE when my directors refuse to shave their pubes…someone get me a vinegar and water to get the taste out!”
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