Today's Evil Beet Gossip

January Jones is Still Doing the Ginger Thing and Other Hot Blondes Who’ve Gone Red

photo of january jones red hair pictures candid photo
Here I go again, saying nothing but mediocre things about the mediocre January Jones, whom about all of you know how I generally feel. Whee! January Jones! Red hair! It looks good on her! It’s way more striking than the washed-out blonde that she normally sports! Way to go!

But in addition to sharing my general excitement over January’s hair, I wanted to talk about some other blonde ladies who’ve gone red and who’ve also pulled it off, because come on. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. It’s not like January Jones is the first blonde woman to go ginger, and she certainly won’t be the last, nor will she be the one who’s done it best, OK?

A few more lovely ladies who’ve gone the red-haired route, and who’ve rocked it just as awesomely—if not better.

#5 – Blake Lively.
photo of blake lively red hair pictures

#4 – Scarett Johansson
photo of scarlett johansson red hair pictures

#3 – Emma Stone.
photo of emma stone red hair pictures

#2- Amy Adams.
photo of amy adams red hair pictures

#1 – Christina Hendricks.
photo of christina hendricks blonde hair pictures

Who’s your favorite blonde-turned-red?


2 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I thought Hendricks was a natural redhead haha. However, I don’t like how red hair looks on January Jones :(

  • Her name use to be July Jones but I tapped that ass so hard it pushed her name to January. So! About the others:

    Blake Lively- Tapped.
    Scarett Johansson- Tapped. Twice.(after watching The Advengers I hadta hit it again!)
    Emma Stone- UN-Tapped. (I KNOW! I’m shocked too.)
    Amy Adams- Untapped. (doest cream the twinkie)
    Christina Hendricks- Tapped.(she got lucky, I was drunk)