Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Mama on the Move

Nicole Richie hits the streets of LA in an airplane-themed dress. Yeah, those are airplanes on the dress. And one of the airplanes says “Chanel” on its wing. I don’t understand it, but I kind of like it.


[Image via Splash]

9 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I just saw a pic of her on tv with the baby in the airport traveling with Joel, she even had her in one of those baby carrier things on her belly.

  • Ah hahahahahah!
    finally the day has come that I waiting oh too long for!
    3 comments. She gets 3 comments. And you know why she gets only 3 comments now after being the topic of conversation for so long? Because she is a NOBODY. People paid attention to her only b/c she was an idiot who got herself knocked up and that’s a popular trend right now in HW; but now that the fiasco is over? she’s back to being a nobody. except that she never worked on improving herself when she was single and kidless. She never made herself a better person, never experienced getting “all the puzzle pieces together” in her life, never got that sense of “I’m a strong confident woman”. she’s still the exact same screwed up confused young woman that she was before. except now with the huge responsibility of a kid.

    And you know what? Seeing her mom so powerless (I dont’ know if powerless is the right word, but how Nicole has no clear control of her life, kinda lets things just happen to her) will teach Harlow the exact saem patern of life. And then Harlow will grow up wearing tank tops that show off her pretty boobies and then let some guy knock her up, and this troubled cycle is just gonna keep going and going and going.

    Unless women of today change that.

  • Mercedes, these women are rich
    and many of them have always been rich
    they don’t have to worry about the things common people have to
    I dare say they take all for granted
    and guess what?
    they seem to succeed, at least quite a few of them