Today's Evil Beet Gossip


photo of jennifer aniston pics candid
Watch Lady Gaga get a concussion. [The Superficial]

Busy Phillips answers your questions! [The Frisky]

Phillip Phillips brutal surgery. [TMZ]

Why Gabriel Macht should be an Emmy contender. [Starpulse]

Charlize Theron buzzed her head! [Lainey Gossip]

This is who leaked Snooki’s photos. [Socialite Life]

Rihanna uses a body double. [Yeeeah]

Brenda Song dumped Trace Cyrus. [Amy Grindhouse]

Men just fawn over Ashley Greene. [theBERRY]

David Beckham‘s horrible face. [I’m Not Obsessed]

More Snooki leaked pics. [IDLYITW]

Bristol Palin says God is on her side. Even when she talks about hating gays? [Cele|bitchy]

Chris Brown is shoving more ladies. [The Superficial]

True Blood‘: everyone kind of hated it, looks like. [Cele|bitchy]

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux are getting married in Paris, probably. [Lainey Gossip]