Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Look, It’s Snooki’s Baby Bump!

A photo of Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi

You guys! Look! It’s little Lorenzo in there! Can you believe it?

It’s been months since we’ve known that Snooki is going to be a mom, but we haven’t gotten to see any real evidence until now. I know Snooki doesn’t owe it to us to go up to every photographer, interviewer, and stranger she comes into contact with and yank up her shirt and yell “PREGGERS POWER, BITCHES,” but I kind of expected it, you know?

And here’s some fun news: Snooki is reportedly due in August. You know what she’s going to be doing in August? Filming Jersey Shore (and living in a house right next door to the rest of her pals, by the way). The dates overlap just enough that Snooki might go into labor during her last few days on the shore. Talk about a season finale, right?